update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Duration where CFO user id changed to "Inactive" if user did not login after the grace period.' where CONFIG_NAME = 'EXT_GRACE'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Duration where CFO user id changed to "Disable" if user did not login after the dormancy period.' where CONFIG_NAME = 'EXT_DORMANCY'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Duration where BBO user id changed to "Inactive" if user did not login after the grace period.' where CONFIG_NAME = 'INT_GRACE'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Duration where BBO user id changed to "Disable" if user did not login after the dormancy period.' where CONFIG_NAME = 'INT_DORMANCY'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Duration where password is valid.' where CONFIG_NAME = 'PASSWORD_EXPIRY_DAY'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'Notify user before password expiry' where CONFIG_NAME = 'PASSWORD_EXPIRY_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD'; update TB_AM_CONFIG set DESCRIPTION = 'The number of allowable password history. (count)' where CONFIG_NAME = 'PASSWORD_GENERATION';