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  • Never login via email links<\/p><\/li>

  • Never reveal your PIN \/ Password to anyone<\/p><\/li><\/u><\/span>", "mainNote3": "For other online banking inquiries, contact BII Customer Care hotline at +6221 500 611<\/strong> or +69811<\/strong> via your GSM Mobile Phone.<\/span>", "mainNote4": "

    BII Customer Care<\/h1>

    +6221 500 611 or 69811<\/strong><\/p>", "mainNote5": "


    The below image and phrase is a security measure that you are logging to BII Internet Banking<\/strong><\/span><\/div>

    If this is not the image and phrase you have chosen, DO NOT enter your PASSWORD !!<\/span><\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/div>For Old Internet Banking User:
    \r\n- Ignore this image
    \r\n- Please input your Password and click Login
    ", "mainNote6": "

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    We are currently doing a Website Service Maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.<\/strong><\/em><\/p>

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