Report : 10/11/16 05:53:51 PM - Unix
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:53 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:57:22 2010
List of hosts Medium severity problem(s) found! Medium severity problem(s) found! Low severity problem(s) found! Low severity problem(s) found! Medium severity problem(s) found! Medium severity problem(s) found!
[^] Back
[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:56:55 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 17
Low: 26
Medium: 3
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Solaris
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
xdmcp (177/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
Medium vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
No problem found
[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Solaris
Confidence Level : 75
Method : NTP

The remote host is running Solaris

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 181 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

TCP/IP Timestamps Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service implements TCP timestamps.

Description :

The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A
side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can
sometimes be computed.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 25220

Web Application Tests Disabled

Synopsis :

Web application tests were not enabled during the scan.

Description :

One or several web servers were detected by Nessus, but neither the
CGI tests nor the Web Application Tests were enabled.
If you want to get a more complete report, you should enable one of
these features, or both.
Please note that the scan might take significantly longer with these
tests, which is why they are disabled by default.
See also :

Solution :
To enable specific CGI tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab, select
'Global variable settings' and set 'Enable CGI scanning'.
To generic enable web application tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab,
select 'Web Application Tests Settings' and set 'Enable web
applications tests'.
You may configure other options, for example HTTP credentials in
'Login configurations', or form-based authentication in 'HTTP login

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 43067

[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server
SSH supported authentication : gssapi-with-mic,password,publickey,keyboard-interactive

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=381.91,

rootdispersion=82.12, peer=14668, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd500.0a620000, poll=10, clock=0xd08cd526.0e876000,

phase=-2.975, freq=28252.81, error=10.06

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
xdmcp (177/udp)
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) Detection

Synopsis :

XDMCP is running on the remote host.

Description :

XDMCP allows a Unix user to remotely obtain a graphical X11 login (and
therefore act as a local user on the remote host).
If an attacker gains a valid login and password, he may be able to use
this service to gain further access on the remote host. An attacker
may also use this service to mount a dictionary attack against the
remote host to try to log in remotely.
Note that XDMCP (the Remote Desktop Protocol) is vulnerable to
Man-in-the-middle attacks, making it easy for attackers to steal the
credentials of legitimates users by impersonating the XDMCP server.
In addition to this, XDMCP is not a ciphered protocol which make it
easy for an attacker to capture the keystrokes entered by the user.
Solution :
Disable the XDMCP if you do not use it, and do not allow this service
to run across the Internet

Risk factor :

Low / CVSS Base Score : 2.6

Plugin output :

Using XDMCP, it was possible to obtain the following information
about the remote host :
Hostname : m2urbre01
Status : 1 user, load: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Nessus ID : 10891

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Service Detection
A web server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : no
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:53 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

[^]Back to
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
SSL Certificate Information

Synopsis :

This plugin displays the SSL certificate.

Description :

This plugin connects to every SSL-related port and attempts to
extract and dump the X.509 certificate.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Subject Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: m2urbre01
Issuer Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Locality: Kuala Lumpur
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: M2UADAPT
Email Address:
Serial Number: 00
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-1 With RSA Encryption
Not Valid Before: Nov 02 10:32:02 2010 GMT
Not Valid After: Oct 30 10:32:02 2020 GMT
Public Key Info:
Algorithm: RSA Encryption
Public Key: 00 CE 56 36 23 3C AE 38 B3 9C 05 44 34 4E E6 2B 11 58 DD 9A
25 F2 77 E6 A9 32 BD 36 C4 E2 C3 22 72 3A A8 D1 4A 2F C9 C5
7F 35 9C E4 A1 DF 25 C7 D5 64 87 51 36 6D 32 74 55 6D 6E CB
6B 1B E5 D0 DF FA F9 D0 22 2E 26 75 F4 59 A7 33 B1 12 D8 97
47 C3 37 4F 52 40 28 3E 42 26 53 60 6C 25 6E F8 52 01 0E 26
97 C6 FB A6 63 68 CA 62 75 36 82 6E F6 45 6C 46 68 CA 7B 86
F6 57 3F 77 FB FA A4 C2 59
Exponent: 01 00 01
Signature: 00 96 D4 81 D5 DF 41 27 F9 F7 B3 59 36 32 28 05 93 C3 9B 58
BF 6F 86 E7 AD 16 FB D1 B7 88 16 44 CF 5E 04 4E 85 02 39 EB
FF A2 13 79 54 42 1F 01 1B DE 62 D4 FA 62 A6 C0 89 E5 C8 6F
E9 1D 28 98 22 D1 D4 14 15 7D D5 3F E2 01 1F 78 72 9D F7 33
02 44 B9 A7 F7 E7 A3 2F 82 63 82 3A 07 D9 2E 3E E9 D9 35 66
B8 DC 62 3B A8 54 11 FD 54 1A BE 4B 54 39 ED 9A 77 BD 09 B2
F8 22 84 61 86 5A CB 0C 3D 6C AD CA 09 3F B6 92 02 8D 48 7D
79 ED 1A 19 87 5A D6 F7 D3 3B 60 E2 57 E0 40 B8 1E B0 91 D3
6D BD 8B 88 86 DF 7F 88 A2 F6 03 A0 1B 97 7B 50 EB 4C 7A E0
F0 AB 7F BE EE B1 9E 6A 2D 19 FC 1A FC 35 06 99 13 B7 DF BE
CC 18 EC 84 21 55 90 C6 58 F2 92 95 C9 4F C6 79 D8 E3 94 2E
F0 55 E5 BC D5 B7 44 E1 11 E7 7F C4 65 77 A4 93 1D D2 9B F9
25 EC 33 89 E0 A2 D9 4B 88 32 61 6F 3A B6 52 C6 C5
Extension: Basic Constraints (
Critical: 0
Data: 30 00

Extension: Comment (2.16.840.1.113730.1.13)
Critical: 0
Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate

Extension: Subject Key Identifier (
Critical: 0
Subject Key Identifier: 00 A5 1A 64 22 15 37 8C C1 77 54 90 CF 75 39 96 C0 6B 21 77

Extension: Authority Key Identifier (
Critical: 0

Nessus ID : 10863

SSL Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service encrypts communications using SSL.

Description :

This script detects which SSL ciphers are supported by the remote
service for encrypting communications.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Here is the list of SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
High Strength Ciphers (>= 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-SHA Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 21643

Service Detection
An SSLv3 server answered on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

Service Detection
A web server is running on this port through SSLv3.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : yes
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:54 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

SSL Weak Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of weak SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer either weak
encryption or no encryption at all.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here is the list of weak SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Other references :
CWE:327, CWE:326, CWE:753, CWE:803, CWE:720

Nessus ID : 26928

SSL Anonymous Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers. While this
enables an administrator to set up a service that encrypts traffic
without having to generate and configure SSL certificates, it offers
no way to verify the remote host's identity and renders the service
vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

The remote server supports the following anonymous SSL ciphers :
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 31705

SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of medium strength SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium
strength encryption, which we currently regard as those with key
lengths at least 56 bits and less than 112 bits.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of
medium strength ciphers.

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here are the medium strength SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 42873

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32772 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:57:09 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 18
Low: 27
Medium: 3
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Sun Solaris 2.5
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
xdmcp (177/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
Medium vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
No problem found
[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Sun Solaris 2.5
Confidence Level : 75
Method : SinFP
Primary Method : NTP

The remote host is running Sun Solaris 2.5

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 195 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

Web Application Tests Disabled

Synopsis :

Web application tests were not enabled during the scan.

Description :

One or several web servers were detected by Nessus, but neither the
CGI tests nor the Web Application Tests were enabled.
If you want to get a more complete report, you should enable one of
these features, or both.
Please note that the scan might take significantly longer with these
tests, which is why they are disabled by default.
See also :

Solution :
To enable specific CGI tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab, select
'Global variable settings' and set 'Enable CGI scanning'.
To generic enable web application tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab,
select 'Web Application Tests Settings' and set 'Enable web
applications tests'.
You may configure other options, for example HTTP credentials in
'Login configurations', or form-based authentication in 'HTTP login

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 43067

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)

Synopsis :

It is possible to enumerate CPE names that matched on the remote

Description :

By using information obtained from a Nessus scan, this plugin reports
CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) matches for various hardware and
software products found on a host.
Note that if an official CPE is not available for the product, this
plugin computes the best possible CPE based on the information
available from the scan.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The remote operating system matched the following CPE :

Nessus ID : 45590

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server
SSH supported authentication : gssapi-with-mic,password,publickey,keyboard-interactive

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=364.55,

rootdispersion=72.43, peer=60012, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd359.0ddd7000, poll=10, clock=0xd08cd53a.00db8000,

phase=1.177, freq=18869.67, error=4.27

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
xdmcp (177/udp)
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) Detection

Synopsis :

XDMCP is running on the remote host.

Description :

XDMCP allows a Unix user to remotely obtain a graphical X11 login (and
therefore act as a local user on the remote host).
If an attacker gains a valid login and password, he may be able to use
this service to gain further access on the remote host. An attacker
may also use this service to mount a dictionary attack against the
remote host to try to log in remotely.
Note that XDMCP (the Remote Desktop Protocol) is vulnerable to
Man-in-the-middle attacks, making it easy for attackers to steal the
credentials of legitimates users by impersonating the XDMCP server.
In addition to this, XDMCP is not a ciphered protocol which make it
easy for an attacker to capture the keystrokes entered by the user.
Solution :
Disable the XDMCP if you do not use it, and do not allow this service
to run across the Internet

Risk factor :

Low / CVSS Base Score : 2.6

Plugin output :

Using XDMCP, it was possible to obtain the following information
about the remote host :
Hostname : m2urbre02
Status : 0 user, load: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Nessus ID : 10891

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Service Detection
A web server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : no
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:03:10 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

[^]Back to
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
SSL Certificate Information

Synopsis :

This plugin displays the SSL certificate.

Description :

This plugin connects to every SSL-related port and attempts to
extract and dump the X.509 certificate.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Subject Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: m2urbre02
Issuer Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Locality: Kuala Lumpur
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: M2UADAPT
Email Address:
Serial Number: 01
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-1 With RSA Encryption
Not Valid Before: Nov 02 11:44:19 2010 GMT
Not Valid After: Oct 30 11:44:19 2020 GMT
Public Key Info:
Algorithm: RSA Encryption
Public Key: 00 D5 D8 E3 C0 18 93 EE CC F9 EE AD 7D 09 B7 69 26 A2 BB 54
53 98 82 2E 42 95 69 EB 36 81 BE 9F 0C BC CA CB CF 19 E9 40
E4 D1 B3 A3 50 94 29 4F 64 6B F4 A6 44 D7 F0 49 5E 76 7E 9F
29 E9 A6 5C A7 B1 77 A2 AA F5 C4 8A 20 B6 4E 9F 76 90 84 F6
D7 35 4D 1C 58 54 18 E9 31 9A E3 50 8D 4C 97 62 31 43 B0 1E
4E 3E 98 C8 27 30 45 BE 8A 48 2A FC 8A 36 3A 08 51 0A 89 9A
E1 F1 36 E5 29 F4 CB E6 39
Exponent: 01 00 01
Signature: 00 6E 00 BE 7E C1 00 50 6A 69 A9 B1 97 66 6B 9E 09 5D 89 E9
65 1A DC C0 39 BF 7E B4 61 0D 11 D1 72 7D 90 9B 57 F0 2C 52
55 AC B8 44 18 F4 02 8A 20 E0 15 E4 67 42 74 CC 15 B8 91 50
2F 2E 65 FA 85 B1 1E 50 16 4A B5 D1 84 0F 0D DF 1E 4D 97 8B
EF 2C 04 94 4A 15 E0 A1 AA 18 B1 F2 BC 8B 0E BA 64 DA D3 57
E3 D5 12 33 59 47 B6 E3 78 7C 9A 6B 9F 11 6A 7A 59 BB 8B 03
25 AA FD 8C 98 9E 5A 10 DE B2 55 22 F0 1E 74 2F 6F 7D 09 6A
ED 15 37 C4 24 8C E1 11 5A FF 4F 65 08 B1 B9 D6 EB 35 74 D9
02 55 C1 A5 97 E4 72 D2 39 A0 E0 A9 6C 65 F3 04 59 04 25 E4
45 36 BA E8 53 EE F7 AE DF 71 BE EC D7 BC 20 78 32 39 9F EA
A2 39 83 F7 A5 6F 70 6C DF 19 FA 82 64 67 EF 40 C1 F4 C1 13
73 46 C6 98 78 D9 55 11 FE 04 DF F2 94 7C 5B 5A 80 D4 91 C2
51 12 54 15 73 C4 D2 42 C8 A7 B0 88 76 7F 6B AF 5E
Extension: Basic Constraints (
Critical: 0
Data: 30 00

Extension: Comment (2.16.840.1.113730.1.13)
Critical: 0
Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate

Extension: Subject Key Identifier (
Critical: 0
Subject Key Identifier: EC 8C 71 76 2A 1A A2 74 AB D6 1E 4B 2C 53 57 FE 18 5F F4 24

Extension: Authority Key Identifier (
Critical: 0

Nessus ID : 10863

SSL Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service encrypts communications using SSL.

Description :

This script detects which SSL ciphers are supported by the remote
service for encrypting communications.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Here is the list of SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
High Strength Ciphers (>= 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-SHA Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 21643

Service Detection
An SSLv3 server answered on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

Service Detection
A web server is running on this port through SSLv3.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : yes
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:03:10 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

SSL Weak Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of weak SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer either weak
encryption or no encryption at all.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here is the list of weak SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Other references :
CWE:327, CWE:326, CWE:753, CWE:803, CWE:720

Nessus ID : 26928

SSL Anonymous Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers. While this
enables an administrator to set up a service that encrypts traffic
without having to generate and configure SSL certificates, it offers
no way to verify the remote host's identity and renders the service
vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

The remote server supports the following anonymous SSL ciphers :
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 31705

SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of medium strength SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium
strength encryption, which we currently regard as those with key
lengths at least 56 bits and less than 112 bits.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of
medium strength ciphers.

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here are the medium strength SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 42873

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32772 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32773 :
- program: 100229 (metad), version: 1
- program: 100229 (metad), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:57:21 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 24
Low: 22
Medium: 0
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Solaris
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
login (513/tcp)
No problem found
shell (514/tcp)
No problem found
ncube-lm (1521/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
cypress-stat (2017/tcp)
No problem found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
clm_pts (6200/tcp)
No problem found
bpjava-msvc (13722/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
vnetd (13724/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
bpcd (13782/tcp)
No problem found
vopied (13783/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
No problem found
sometimes-rpc13 (32775/tcp)
No problem found
unknown (32867/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Solaris
Confidence Level : 75
Method : NTP

The remote host is running Solaris

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 207 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

TCP/IP Timestamps Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service implements TCP timestamps.

Description :

The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A
side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can
sometimes be computed.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 25220

[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=357.59,

rootdispersion=78.48, peer=24124, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd4eb.a2096000, poll=6, clock=0xd08cd4fa.0bbf4000,

phase=-0.545, freq=9561.90, error=2.69

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
login (513/tcp)
[^]Back to
shell (514/tcp)
[^]Back to
ncube-lm (1521/tcp)
Oracle Database tnslsnr Service Remote Version Disclosure

Synopsis :

An Oracle tnslsnr service is listening on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the Oracle tnslsnr service, a network
interface to Oracle databases. This product allows a remote user to
determine the presence and version number of a given Oracle
Solution :
Filter incoming traffic to this port so that only authorized hosts can
connect to it.

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

A TNS service is running on this port but it
refused to honor an attempt to connect to it.
(The TNS reply code was 4)

Nessus ID : 10658

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
cypress-stat (2017/tcp)
[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
clm_pts (6200/tcp)
[^]Back to
bpjava-msvc (13722/tcp)
VERITAS NetBackup Agent Detection

Synopsis :

A backup software is running on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the VERITAS NetBackup Java Console
service. This service is used by the NetBackup Java Console
GUI to manage the backup server. A user, authorized to connect
to this service, can use it as a remote shell with system
privileges by sending 'command_EXEC_LIST' messages.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Remote version of NetBackup is : 6.5

Nessus ID : 20148

Service Detection
Veritas NetBackup is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
vnetd (13724/tcp)
VERITAS NetBackup Agent Detection

Synopsis :

A backup software is running on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the VERITAS NetBackup Java Console
service. This service is used by the NetBackup Java Console
GUI to manage the backup server. A user, authorized to connect
to this service, can use it as a remote shell with system
privileges by sending 'command_EXEC_LIST' messages.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Remote version of NetBackup is : 6.5

Nessus ID : 20148

[^]Back to
bpcd (13782/tcp)
[^]Back to
vopied (13783/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc13 (32775/tcp)
[^]Back to
unknown (32867/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32867 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:57:05 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 24
Low: 22
Medium: 0
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Solaris
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
login (513/tcp)
No problem found
shell (514/tcp)
No problem found
ncube-lm (1521/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
cypress-stat (2017/tcp)
No problem found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
clm_pts (6200/tcp)
No problem found
bpjava-msvc (13722/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
vnetd (13724/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
bpcd (13782/tcp)
No problem found
vopied (13783/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
No problem found
sometimes-rpc12 (32774/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc13 (32775/tcp)
No problem found
[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Solaris
Confidence Level : 75
Method : NTP

The remote host is running Solaris

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 191 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

TCP/IP Timestamps Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service implements TCP timestamps.

Description :

The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A
side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can
sometimes be computed.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 25220

[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=366.87,

rootdispersion=70.02, peer=24564, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd140.1156c000, poll=10, clock=0xd08cd4f1.726a4000,

phase=-2.123, freq=32310.73, error=2.98

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
login (513/tcp)
[^]Back to
shell (514/tcp)
[^]Back to
ncube-lm (1521/tcp)
Oracle Database tnslsnr Service Remote Version Disclosure

Synopsis :

An Oracle tnslsnr service is listening on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the Oracle tnslsnr service, a network
interface to Oracle databases. This product allows a remote user to
determine the presence and version number of a given Oracle
Solution :
Filter incoming traffic to this port so that only authorized hosts can
connect to it.

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

A TNS service is running on this port but it
refused to honor an attempt to connect to it.
(The TNS reply code was 4)

Nessus ID : 10658

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
cypress-stat (2017/tcp)
[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
clm_pts (6200/tcp)
[^]Back to
bpjava-msvc (13722/tcp)
VERITAS NetBackup Agent Detection

Synopsis :

A backup software is running on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the VERITAS NetBackup Java Console
service. This service is used by the NetBackup Java Console
GUI to manage the backup server. A user, authorized to connect
to this service, can use it as a remote shell with system
privileges by sending 'command_EXEC_LIST' messages.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Remote version of NetBackup is : 6.5

Nessus ID : 20148

Service Detection
Veritas NetBackup is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
vnetd (13724/tcp)
VERITAS NetBackup Agent Detection

Synopsis :

A backup software is running on the remote port.

Description :

The remote host is running the VERITAS NetBackup Java Console
service. This service is used by the NetBackup Java Console
GUI to manage the backup server. A user, authorized to connect
to this service, can use it as a remote shell with system
privileges by sending 'command_EXEC_LIST' messages.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Remote version of NetBackup is : 6.5

Nessus ID : 20148

[^]Back to
bpcd (13782/tcp)
[^]Back to
vopied (13783/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc11 (32774/tcp)
[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc12 (32774/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32774 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc13 (32775/tcp)
[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:56:34 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 17
Low: 26
Medium: 3
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Solaris
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
xdmcp (177/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
Medium vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
No problem found
[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Solaris
Confidence Level : 75
Method : NTP

The remote host is running Solaris

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 160 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

TCP/IP Timestamps Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service implements TCP timestamps.

Description :

The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A
side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can
sometimes be computed.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 25220

Web Application Tests Disabled

Synopsis :

Web application tests were not enabled during the scan.

Description :

One or several web servers were detected by Nessus, but neither the
CGI tests nor the Web Application Tests were enabled.
If you want to get a more complete report, you should enable one of
these features, or both.
Please note that the scan might take significantly longer with these
tests, which is why they are disabled by default.
See also :

Solution :
To enable specific CGI tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab, select
'Global variable settings' and set 'Enable CGI scanning'.
To generic enable web application tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab,
select 'Web Application Tests Settings' and set 'Enable web
applications tests'.
You may configure other options, for example HTTP credentials in
'Login configurations', or form-based authentication in 'HTTP login

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 43067

[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server
SSH supported authentication : gssapi-with-mic,password,publickey,keyboard-interactive

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=356.55,

rootdispersion=78.84, peer=51532, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd2f8.f2854000, poll=10, clock=0xd08cd514.f22da000,

phase=7.157, freq=34058.93, error=12.82

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
xdmcp (177/udp)
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) Detection

Synopsis :

XDMCP is running on the remote host.

Description :

XDMCP allows a Unix user to remotely obtain a graphical X11 login (and
therefore act as a local user on the remote host).
If an attacker gains a valid login and password, he may be able to use
this service to gain further access on the remote host. An attacker
may also use this service to mount a dictionary attack against the
remote host to try to log in remotely.
Note that XDMCP (the Remote Desktop Protocol) is vulnerable to
Man-in-the-middle attacks, making it easy for attackers to steal the
credentials of legitimates users by impersonating the XDMCP server.
In addition to this, XDMCP is not a ciphered protocol which make it
easy for an attacker to capture the keystrokes entered by the user.
Solution :
Disable the XDMCP if you do not use it, and do not allow this service
to run across the Internet

Risk factor :

Low / CVSS Base Score : 2.6

Plugin output :

Using XDMCP, it was possible to obtain the following information
about the remote host :
Hostname : m2urbbo01
Status : 0 user, load: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Nessus ID : 10891

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Service Detection
A web server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : no
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:35 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

[^]Back to
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
SSL Certificate Information

Synopsis :

This plugin displays the SSL certificate.

Description :

This plugin connects to every SSL-related port and attempts to
extract and dump the X.509 certificate.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Subject Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: m2urbbo01
Issuer Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Locality: Kuala Lumpur
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: M2UADAPT
Email Address:
Serial Number: 00
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-1 With RSA Encryption
Not Valid Before: Nov 02 11:46:37 2010 GMT
Not Valid After: Oct 30 11:46:37 2020 GMT
Public Key Info:
Algorithm: RSA Encryption
Public Key: 00 D8 C0 72 98 00 2A 32 89 9F 2E 1A 7E B1 6A 63 FB 17 9E 47
80 F6 CC 94 6F 81 F0 77 F5 58 24 95 11 B6 B6 B4 FD B4 C7 22
AC DE BD 6B D0 84 69 20 98 15 FD DB E0 06 18 9A A7 6A A2 EA
10 9D 76 56 07 64 9F 05 4C 9A 22 14 16 20 46 9D A6 0B 91 02
F5 D1 9D 04 04 C1 9D 7F 9B 87 DB E0 0C 40 92 F4 22 F3 0F 57
CA 3F EB 8E 6B 1B C3 47 DE D6 27 6D 94 6A 78 6B 1B 43 53 F8
04 68 A3 A6 66 C3 F2 FB 8F
Exponent: 01 00 01
Signature: 00 A6 6A B5 A6 12 A5 8C 7C DC 71 D0 AF 9B D8 B1 74 E8 6C 7A
36 5A 06 67 26 2B 13 05 89 00 75 EA 37 34 98 94 3A A6 37 3C
79 37 41 38 C7 F0 DC D4 97 9B 26 C2 43 43 BC E1 F9 03 A9 16
1C 63 1F 13 84 99 AB 63 1B 6D 45 08 81 1D 8D 10 30 16 58 3F
AE 9C C0 E5 1C D7 A6 ED C2 CD DC 94 86 C4 1D 82 88 A4 5A 64
AA BC 06 DC C2 F6 96 80 67 27 DF 34 FF CA E6 B8 4C 31 0F 91
0E 7F 0E FB 2E 44 C1 5F 59 D8 B8 85 DA 28 E6 14 9A C0 B0 DC
20 1C E5 93 6C A7 CB 2A 0A 32 88 6D 83 81 01 F9 02 22 C0 94
81 C7 5C 79 24 0E 9B 72 42 01 BD 2C 34 D5 2F 23 B4 5A D8 1B
D3 0E F7 4E 92 60 2A AF 18 DE 76 FE 3A 07 E3 11 AB 76 E8 1F
F2 82 86 83 69 BE 09 2B 4F 7D 0E 1E B3 63 65 D4 7C AF E8 70
5E E5 65 A0 B8 FD 94 26 71 F4 AB 16 90 3E 53 C9 ED D5 30 C7
19 E2 27 89 C6 9A 3D 98 D4 28 B9 D9 9C 99 7B 85 C8
Extension: Basic Constraints (
Critical: 0
Data: 30 00

Extension: Comment (2.16.840.1.113730.1.13)
Critical: 0
Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate

Extension: Subject Key Identifier (
Critical: 0
Subject Key Identifier: 22 BF 1D 37 03 44 54 08 C8 31 A6 F8 53 01 5C C3 D7 B5 91 7E

Extension: Authority Key Identifier (
Critical: 0

Nessus ID : 10863

SSL Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service encrypts communications using SSL.

Description :

This script detects which SSL ciphers are supported by the remote
service for encrypting communications.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Here is the list of SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
High Strength Ciphers (>= 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-SHA Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 21643

Service Detection
An SSLv3 server answered on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

Service Detection
A web server is running on this port through SSLv3.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : yes
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:35 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

SSL Weak Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of weak SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer either weak
encryption or no encryption at all.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here is the list of weak SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Other references :
CWE:327, CWE:326, CWE:753, CWE:803, CWE:720

Nessus ID : 26928

SSL Anonymous Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers. While this
enables an administrator to set up a service that encrypts traffic
without having to generate and configure SSL certificates, it offers
no way to verify the remote host's identity and renders the service
vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

The remote server supports the following anonymous SSL ciphers :
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 31705

SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of medium strength SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium
strength encryption, which we currently regard as those with key
lengths at least 56 bits and less than 112 bits.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of
medium strength ciphers.

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here are the medium strength SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 42873

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32772 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
[Return to top]
Scan Time:
Start Time: Tue Nov 16 17:53:54 2010
End Time: Tue Nov 16 17:56:16 2010
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open Ports: 17
Low: 26
Medium: 3
High: 0

Information about the remote host :
Operating System: Solaris
NetBIOS Name: (unknown)
DNS Name: (unknown)
List of ports
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ssh (22/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sunrpc (111/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
ntp (123/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
xdmcp (177/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
smux (199/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
No problem found
msnp (1863/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
lockd (4045/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
No problem found
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
Medium vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
Low vulnerability problem(s) found
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)
No problem found
[^]Back to
OS Identification

Remote operating system : Solaris
Confidence Level : 75
Method : NTP

The remote host is running Solaris

Nessus ID : 11936

Nessus Scan Information
Information about this scan :
Nessus version : 4.0.2 (Build 1076) (Nessus 4.2.2 is available - consider upgrading)
Plugin feed version : 201010192234
Type of plugin feed : ProfessionalFeed (Direct)
Scanner IP :
Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner
Port range : default
Thorough tests : no
Experimental tests : no
Paranoia level : 1
Report Verbosity : 1
Safe checks : yes
Optimize the test : yes
CGI scanning : disabled
Web application tests : disabled
Max hosts : 40
Max checks : 5
Recv timeout : 5
Backports : None
Scan Start Date : 2010/11/16 17:53
Scan duration : 142 sec

Nessus ID : 19506

TCP/IP Timestamps Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service implements TCP timestamps.

Description :

The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A
side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can
sometimes be computed.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 25220

Web Application Tests Disabled

Synopsis :

Web application tests were not enabled during the scan.

Description :

One or several web servers were detected by Nessus, but neither the
CGI tests nor the Web Application Tests were enabled.
If you want to get a more complete report, you should enable one of
these features, or both.
Please note that the scan might take significantly longer with these
tests, which is why they are disabled by default.
See also :

Solution :
To enable specific CGI tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab, select
'Global variable settings' and set 'Enable CGI scanning'.
To generic enable web application tests, go to the 'Advanced' tab,
select 'Web Application Tests Settings' and set 'Enable web
applications tests'.
You may configure other options, for example HTTP credentials in
'Login configurations', or form-based authentication in 'HTTP login

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 43067

[^]Back to
Traceroute Information

Synopsis :

It was possible to obtain traceroute information.

Description :

Makes a traceroute to the remote host.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Nessus ID : 10287

[^]Back to
ssh (22/tcp)
SSH Server Type and Version Information

Synopsis :

An SSH server is listening on this port.

Description :

It is possible to obtain information about the remote SSH
server by sending an empty authentication request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

SSH version : SSH-2.0- SSH Tectia Server
SSH supported authentication : gssapi-with-mic,password,publickey,keyboard-interactive

Nessus ID : 10267

Service Detection
An SSH server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sunrpc (111/udp)
RPC portmapper Service Detection

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host.

Description :

The RPC portmapper is running on this port.
The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC
service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup
requests or a DUMP request.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Nessus ID : 10223

RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 :
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 4
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 3
- program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
ntp (123/udp)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection

Synopsis :

An NTP server is listening on the remote host.

Description :

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It
provides information about the current date and time of the remote
system and may provide system information.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

It was possible to gather the following information from the remote NTP host :
system='SunOS', leap=0, stratum=3, rootdelay=369.80,

rootdispersion=70.10, peer=9476, refid=,

reftime=0xd08cd144.c28f0000, poll=10, clock=0xd08cd501.74d80000,

phase=5.487, freq=32125.64, error=9.14

Nessus ID : 10884

[^]Back to
xdmcp (177/udp)
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) Detection

Synopsis :

XDMCP is running on the remote host.

Description :

XDMCP allows a Unix user to remotely obtain a graphical X11 login (and
therefore act as a local user on the remote host).
If an attacker gains a valid login and password, he may be able to use
this service to gain further access on the remote host. An attacker
may also use this service to mount a dictionary attack against the
remote host to try to log in remotely.
Note that XDMCP (the Remote Desktop Protocol) is vulnerable to
Man-in-the-middle attacks, making it easy for attackers to steal the
credentials of legitimates users by impersonating the XDMCP server.
In addition to this, XDMCP is not a ciphered protocol which make it
easy for an attacker to capture the keystrokes entered by the user.
Solution :
Disable the XDMCP if you do not use it, and do not allow this service
to run across the Internet

Risk factor :

Low / CVSS Base Score : 2.6

Plugin output :

Using XDMCP, it was possible to obtain the following information
about the remote host :
Hostname : m2urbbo02
Status : 0 user, load: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Nessus ID : 10891

[^]Back to
smux (199/tcp)
Service Detection
An SNMP Multiplexer (smux) is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
h323hostcall (1720/tcp)
[^]Back to
msnp (1863/tcp)
Service Detection
The service closed the connection without sending any data.
It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Nessus ID : 22964

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
lockd (4045/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 4045 :
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 1
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 2
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 3
- program: 100021 (nlockmgr), version: 4

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
esmmanager (5600/tcp)
[^]Back to
afs3-callback (7001/tcp)
Service Detection
A web server is running on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : no
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:17 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

[^]Back to
afs3-prserver (7002/tcp)
SSL Certificate Information

Synopsis :

This plugin displays the SSL certificate.

Description :

This plugin connects to every SSL-related port and attempts to
extract and dump the X.509 certificate.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Subject Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: m2urbbo02
Issuer Name:
Country: MY
State/Province: Wilayah Persekutuan
Locality: Kuala Lumpur
Organization: Malayan Banking Berhad
Organization Unit: ISD
Common Name: M2UADAPT
Email Address:
Serial Number: 01
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-1 With RSA Encryption
Not Valid Before: Nov 02 11:46:53 2010 GMT
Not Valid After: Oct 30 11:46:53 2020 GMT
Public Key Info:
Algorithm: RSA Encryption
Public Key: 00 8B B2 CA 10 6D 36 58 96 98 78 84 5F C6 6D 11 87 8E 42 8D
F2 E7 4C D2 A7 94 E7 B4 1E F8 DA 42 3C 1A EC 79 1A EA 26 9F
A9 42 DF 25 0A 49 58 69 8A 5D D6 F7 31 3F 13 63 C4 4D 8D 77
CF 0D 6D 53 DF 86 0E B3 2B 15 61 10 6C E7 1E 31 6E AC DD 74
60 FB 02 2A 5F 67 75 C3 26 21 2D 37 66 7A 58 08 CF 7F C3 A9
EF D1 FE CC B3 B7 E3 E2 80 EE 69 5F B5 25 1D B9 77 08 1C 6D
F5 D6 DC 89 00 87 9C 74 83
Exponent: 01 00 01
Signature: 00 04 B5 AE F6 6A 2F 72 10 83 5E 3C E0 74 09 8C 5C 1E 34 4E
EC 03 F2 BB 8F 2A E2 EC 17 52 F0 19 13 47 18 E1 06 12 8B 2A
EC 0F 55 AD 8F 06 7E 9B C3 96 BF 92 E8 34 39 CB FC D7 73 FC
E0 D1 0D E5 69 5A D5 08 5C EF 8E EF 9E D5 F3 97 1D E6 6F 8F
D3 13 ED 1B CD D5 4B 3C 74 EA AE 7C 9B 0B 75 F8 76 74 25 AC
76 BE D3 E5 64 87 0F E6 09 37 C1 D9 ED F8 B7 6A 61 EB 30 44
D3 4D B2 D8 7E 17 42 28 D4 8F 5F B9 DB 1A 95 E9 1F C4 B9 F0
A0 71 FE B4 15 1A 7A C2 7A D7 69 C7 A2 FB EB F0 61 DC 9D D0
5B B6 B4 28 7D FC D1 48 3A 35 96 9B 6D CB 04 6C 39 B9 99 C6
F6 C5 1A 1B A4 C6 E8 1E 15 6A ED 62 D6 72 0C 78 EF 6E BE 67
67 57 ED 88 31 7A F8 26 1B 7E 2F 0F 3F 37 B7 65 9A 9A 0F 49
B6 DA F1 30 8A 3D D6 C6 DB 3F 2F A7 D3 85 6E 2F C1 C1 CF 0F
F5 AC 86 53 2B D0 35 06 28 97 6F D4 D8 48 3C D2 67
Extension: Basic Constraints (
Critical: 0
Data: 30 00

Extension: Comment (2.16.840.1.113730.1.13)
Critical: 0
Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate

Extension: Subject Key Identifier (
Critical: 0
Subject Key Identifier: 7D 6A 1D 67 E9 62 29 7D 1A 31 94 9B 5C 49 3C 78 81 4C 1E 52

Extension: Authority Key Identifier (
Critical: 0

Nessus ID : 10863

SSL Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service encrypts communications using SSL.

Description :

This script detects which SSL ciphers are supported by the remote
service for encrypting communications.
See also :

Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Here is the list of SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
High Strength Ciphers (>= 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
RC4-SHA Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 21643

Service Detection
An SSLv3 server answered on this port.

Nessus ID : 22964

Service Detection
A web server is running on this port through SSLv3.

Nessus ID : 22964

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Information

Synopsis :

Some information about the remote HTTP configuration can be extracted.

Description :

This test gives some information about the remote HTTP protocol - the
version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled,
This test is informational only and does not denote any security
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

Protocol version : HTTP/1.1
SSL : yes
Keep-Alive : no
Options allowed : (Not implemented)
Headers :
Connection: close

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:02:17 GMT

Content-Length: 1214

Content-Type: text/html

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Nessus ID : 24260

SSL Weak Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of weak SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer either weak
encryption or no encryption at all.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here is the list of weak SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Low Strength Ciphers (< 56-bit key)
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Other references :
CWE:327, CWE:326, CWE:753, CWE:803, CWE:720

Nessus ID : 26928

SSL Anonymous Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of anonymous SSL ciphers. While this
enables an administrator to set up a service that encrypts traffic
without having to generate and configure SSL certificates, it offers
no way to verify the remote host's identity and renders the service
vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
See also :

Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of weak

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

The remote server supports the following anonymous SSL ciphers :
ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH Au=None Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 Kx=DH(512) Au=None Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 31705

SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported

Synopsis :

The remote service supports the use of medium strength SSL ciphers.

Description :

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium
strength encryption, which we currently regard as those with key
lengths at least 56 bits and less than 112 bits.
Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the
same physical network.
Solution :
Reconfigure the affected application if possible to avoid use of
medium strength ciphers.

Risk factor :

Medium / CVSS Base Score : 4.3

Plugin output :

Here are the medium strength SSL ciphers supported by the remote server :
Medium Strength Ciphers (>= 56-bit and < 112-bit key)
ADH-DES-CBC-SHA Kx=DH Au=None Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1
The fields above are :
{OpenSSL ciphername}
Kx={key exchange}
Enc={symmetric encryption method}
Mac={message authentication code}
{export flag}

Nessus ID : 42873

[^]Back to
filenet-rmi (32771/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32771 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/tcp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on TCP port 32772 :
- program: 1073741824 (fmproduct), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
filenet-pa (32772/udp)
RPC Services Enumeration

Synopsis :

An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host.

Description :

By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to
enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this
information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by
sending an RPC request to the remote port.
Solution :

Risk factor :


Plugin output :

The following RPC services are available on UDP port 32772 :
- program: 100024 (status), version: 1
- program: 100133 (nsm_addrand), version: 1

Nessus ID : 11111

[^]Back to
sometimes-rpc9 (32773/tcp)