KFH IB Migration List 2010/2011

April 19, 2011

Migration list for KFH IB migration throughout 2010/2011.
Need to be updated after each migration to PRODUCTION.


KFHIB_Migration_List.xls (61.5 KB) Latipah Abdul Rashid, April 19, 2011 22:13

KFHIB_Migration_List.xls - Update for the Fee Waiver migration on 25/04/2011 (62.5 KB) Sarinah Darsy, April 26, 2011 17:09

KFHIB_Migration_List.xls - Updated Migration for Online Contest and other fixes on 11/05/2011 (57.5 KB) Sarinah Darsy, May 23, 2011 13:05

KFHIB_Migration_List.xls - Updated Migration for Amount format send to Epay on 30/05/2011 (58 KB) Sarinah Darsy, May 30, 2011 17:20

KFHIB_Migration_List.xls - Updated Migration for BulkPayment Bene Email + IBG OFI/RFI Fixes + Gold Portlet Relocation on 09/06/2011 (59 KB) Sarinah Darsy, June 09, 2011 01:11