Bug #3575

Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 11 years ago

To check the send value to host for New Interbank GIRO Transfer, Favorite Interbank GIRO Transfer and 3rd Party Bene Accotnt Maintenance.

IGBENIDTYP 3 A 182 Beneficiary ID Type
IGBENRES 1 A 217 Beneficiary Resident Value = 'Y' or 'N' ;if 'Y' then send '0', if 'N; then send 1
IG2NDVAL 1 A 218 2nd Validation Flag Value = 'Y' or 'N'
• If value selected is ‘Y’, Beneficiary ID Type and ID No will be mandatory field

*If 2nd validation = YES,*

RIB/BIB should send Flag Y and below ID Type code to host accordingly:

+ID Type+ +ID Host Code+
New IC - IN
Old IC - IO
Army/Police ID/Passport Number - PP
Business Registration Number - RC
Additional Info/Others - OT


*If 2nd validation = NO,*
RIB/BIB should send Flag N to host
