Bug #5469

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

To Edit Report Hierarchy.

h2. *Main Report*

*a) Details by Malaysian Company*
+Sub Report+
# By Company Name
# No. of Malaysian company by Product & Services

*b) Details by Foreign Buyers*
+Sub Report+
# By Company Name
# No. of buyers by product & services
> To add filter No of foreign buyers
# Number of buyers by country & participant
# Number of business meeting by buyers & country
# Summary of Foreign Buyers by TC

*c) Directory*
+Sub Report+
# Malaysian company
# Foreign Buyer
> Filter by Malaysian Company & Foreign Buyers
# Malaysian company Product & Service Index
# Foreign Buyers Product & Service Index
# Foreign Buyers Country Index

*d) Logistic*

Foreign Buyer sort by ETA, ETD, Country, Hotel, TC

Sort Table column by <COMPANY>, <COUNTRY>, <HOTEL>, <ETA>, <ETD>

Apply to all:
# To add Program Type & Event Name at Choose Report pop up.
# To add selection report title in Generate Report page.
# To add report filter based on URS-SPP029- Page 38.
# Product & Service header only display P & S at generate excel & word report
