Change #5519

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

*+List of Companies+*
1. To add 'Payment Status' column at:
* List of Companies Table
* Modify Column
* Search Filter

2. To add below column in List of Companies table, Modify column and share filter. [URS-SPP002-Page27]
* Company Name
* Address
* Telephone Number
* Email
* Website
* Business type
* Equity / Share
* SME Status
* Product / Service Information
* Current export market
* Contact person details
* Representative details
* Payment Information
* Number of booth requested
* Objective
* Business Activity
* Business Interest
* Expected Sales
* Previous trade promotion activities
* Previous trade promotion sale performance

3. To remove withdraw button inside view page if status is Pending Approval

+Search Filter+

Change Product Level 1 to Product Category
Change Product Level 2 to Product Sub Category
Change Service Level 1 to Service Category
Change Service Level 2 to Service Sub Category
