Enhancement #5550

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 9 years ago

*To change the Field Name:*

* to change 'Objective' to 'Reason for Participating'
* to change ' Product' to 'Product to be Promoted'
* to change 'Service' tp 'Service to be Promoted'
* to change 'Required acknowledgement letter' to 'Required Acknowledgement Notification' (Internal)
* 'Product First Level Category & Product 2nd Level Category' to 'Product Category & Product Sub Category'
* 'Service First Level Category & Service 2nd Level Category' to 'Service Category & Service Sub Category'
* 'Is Main Nature of this Business' to 'Main Nature of Business' (Table Header)
* 'Is Main Nature of this Business' to 'Please tick [ ] if this is your main nature of Business' (Pop Up, when choosing business nature)

+Update (Internal & Public)+ Only)+
* to change 'Objective' to 'Reason for Participating'
* to change ' Product' to 'Product to be Promoted'
* to change 'Service' tp 'Service to be Promoted'
* to change 'Required acknowledgement letter' to 'Required Acknoledgement Notification'
* 'Product First Level Category & Product 2nd Level Category' to 'Product Category & Product Sub Category'
* 'Service First Level Category & Service 2nd Level Category' to 'Service Category & Service Sub Category'
* 'Is Main Nature of this Business' to 'Main Nature of Business' (Table Header)
* 'Is Main Nature of this Business' to 'Please tick [ ] if this is your main nature of Business' (Pop Up, when choosing business nature)
