Task #7607

Updated by Najmi Pasarudin about 7 years ago

Update BIB Term deposit with new template.

Pending fixes:

+TD Enquiry+
# -Remove Remove pagination and add id data-table. Refer 3rd party maintenance.- maintenance.
# -Change Change title for icon button to Action.- Action

+TD Placement+
# -In In step 3 and 4, add border to terms & condition frame.- Both en and ms language. frame.
# -In In step 5, re-order button.- button.

+TD Withdrawal+
# -In In step 2, change icon pencil to icon arrow right. Also fix title +general.confirmation=Confirmation+- +general.confirmation=Confirmation+
# -Remove Remove pagination and add id data-table. Refer 3rd party maintenance.- maintenance.
# -Change Change title for icon button to Action- Action
