Bug #8316

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 6 years ago

Hi Chee Ping,

Kindly refer below list for bugs found in Accessing RPP module.

-*[TC 1.1.1a.1]*
No validation for entering wrong password for existing user.-

-*[TC 1.1.3a.1]*
No “Forgot Password” hyperlink at Login Page-

*[TC 1.2.1a.3]*
Standardize error message displayed for entering 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' with below value in FTL scenario:
- Digit and lower case alphabets (digit1234567)
- Digit and upper case alphabets (DIGIT1234567)

Current error message displayed:
"Failed to change password in Active Directory"

Expected error message displayed:
"Password must contain a mixture of numeric and alphabets format. Cannot include these special character ["<>'%;&+]"

*[TC 1.3a.1]*
Issue: Wrong error message displayed for scenario = test on click on Change Password at email for user that has previously perform Reset Password

Current Error Message Displayed: "Wrong User Name or password" _(refer attachment TC 1.3a.1.jpg)_

Expected Error Message Displayed: "This link is no longer valid"

*[TC 1.2.1a.6]*
Step to Reproduce:
1. Create New User
2. Perform FTL with entering New Password and Confirm Password with 'Username Value'
> Username:m@gm12.com
> New Password: m@gm12.com
> Confirm Password: m@gm12.com
3. Click at "Activate" button.

Current Result:
1. System display as per attached file (TC 1.2.1a.6_Step 1.jpg)
2. After click at "Login" button, system display as per attached file (TC 1.2.1a.6_Step 2.jpg)

Expected Result:
After click at "Activate" button, system should display error message "Password cannot be same as User Name"

*[TS 1.4]*
Issue: Please change "Password" field to be "New Password".

_*Refer attachment TS 1.4.jpg_

*[TC 1.3a.1]* 1.2a.1]*
Issue: Result page for Reset Password does not contain notification for user to refer email.

Current Result:
Administrator Reset Password Result page (TC1.2a.1 Administrator)
Checker Reset Password Result page (TC1.2a.1 Checker)

Expected Result: Please add below message at Reset Password Result page for (Administrator and Checker role)
> An email notification will be sent containing a link to reset your password. If you do not receive your email within five minutes check your spam folder.

*[TC 1.4.1a.4]*

Issue: Wrong error message displayed for scenario =
> To test on Password is about to expired/expired scenario
> - fill in invalid Old Password (not user Old Password value) and a valid value to Password and Confirm Password

Current Error Message Displayed: "Failed to change password in Active Directory" _(refer attachement: TC 1.4.1a.4)_

Expected Error Message Displayed: "Wrong existing password"
