Bug #8436

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 6 years ago

*[TC 2.2.1C.1]*
What is the purpose of select "Non-Bank" at "Participant Type" drop down list, when after select as "Non-Bank" system display the "Bank" drop down list?

Step to Reproduce:
1. At Create page, user select "Non-Bank" at "Participant Type" drop down list.

Current Result:
system display the "Bank" drop down list.

1. Error message for entering existing Participant ID only display after Confirm Page.
2. To change error message display

Step to Reproduce
1. Perform to create Participant and enter an existing Participant ID at "Participant ID" field.
2. Click on "Next" button > System proceed to Confirm Page.
3. User click "Confirm" at Confirm page.

Current Result:
System display error message "Company is already exist" at Confirm Page.

Expected Result:
1. Error message should display before proceed to Confirm Page.
2. Please change error message to be "Participant ID is already exist"

*[TC 2.2.1C.11]*
Issue: No validation for entering "Fax No" field with less than 9 digit.

Step to Reproduce
1. Perform to create Participant and Fax No" field with less than 9 digit.
2. Click on "Next" button > System proceed to Confirm Page.
3. User click "Confirm" at Confirm page.

Current Result:
system may proceed till result page

Expected Result:
1. Display error message "Fax No cannot be less than 9 digit"

*[TC 2.2.1C.7]*
Issue: Please change “Participant Description” & “Address” text fields to be maximum at 255 characters.
