Bug #8899

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli almost 6 years ago

Bugs: Clear *Clear* button at Advance Search not functioning well*+ well

Path: Login > IBAM Home > BBE > Admin Group Manager

Step to Reproduce:
1. At Advance Search, enter:
- Group ID
- Group Name
- Group Description
- Created By
- Updated By
2. Click *Search* button
3. Go back to Advance Search function and click on *Clear* button

Current Result:
Clear button does not clear all the entered fields when perform above scenario

Expected result:
Clear button should clear all entered fields

+*2. Bugs: To allow Wildcard on Advance Search function*+

Path: Login > IBAM Home > BBE > Admin Group Manager

Step to Reproduce:

1. At Advance Search, enter:
- "group" with lowercase "g" at Group Name (eg)

Current Result:
No data available in table

Expected Result:
system should display the selected company.
Please allow wildcard at advance search function.
Please also change this validation at all field on Advance Search

+*3. Bugs: To allow on searching using short words at Advance Search function*+

Path: Login > IBAM Home > BBE > Admin Group Manager

Step to Reproduce:
1. At Advance Search, enter:
- "penril" with at Group Name (company name: Penril Datability Sdn Bhd)

Current Result:
No data available in table

Expected Result:
system should display the selected company.
Please allow on searching using short words at Advance Search function
Please also change this validation at all field on Advance Search
