Bug #9642

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa over 5 years ago


*1. Enter alphabet to Amount*
System throw error message "Amount must be greater than zero"
Expected Result : Amount must be numeric

*2. Enter alphabet to Approval Matrix group*
Actual Result: System accept alphabet
Expected Result : Approval Matrix must be numeric

2.1 Enter Amount and Leave Approval Matrix group empty
Actual Result: System remove the additional row
Expected Result : remain the additional row and throw error message.

*3. Authorization > CBE Pending List & CBE Approval List*
3.1 Add New approval matrix display as Edit Approval matrix in Description.
Expected Result : Add Approval Matrix

*3.2 To display Organization Name instead of Organization ID*
Actual Result: Edit Approval Matrix: 284 by penrlmaker2
Expected Result : Add Approval Matrix: VOC by penrlmaker2

*3.3 Organization ID also display wrong value*
Actual Result: 284
Expected Result: To remove this in order to avoid misunderstanding between the real Organization ID (C6712)

*4. Audit Trail*
Add new approval matrix not cater in the audit trail for Pending status
Expected Result: To add approval matrix in Audit Trail as a pending status

*4.1 Activity Name not display after checker approved the activity.*
Expected Result: To display Activity Name Value

*4.2 Change the description from Edit to Add in both List & details.*
Expected Result: Add Approval Matrix: VOC

*4.3 Change the Organization ID to Organization Name*
Expected Result: change 458 to VOC
