Bug #9717

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 5 years ago

*1. Bug: Display error "No account selected"*

Path: CDB > Acccount Summary > Select Account > E-Statement

Step to Reproduce:
1. Download any statement
2. Go to Account Details tab

Current Result:
Display error "No account selected"
Note: system also display same error when click on other account

Expected Result:
To display Account Details page

*2. Bug: Display error "Service is currently unavailable [{0}]"*

Path: CDB > Acccount Summary > Select Account > E-Statement

Step to Reproduce:
1. Download any statement
2. Go to BSNeBiz History tab

Current Result:
Display error "Service is currently unavailable [{0}]"

Expected Result:
To display BSNeBiz History page
