Change #9760

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 5 years ago

Path: IBAM > CBE > CDB Application > Edit Details > Services

*1. To set max length at "Employer EPF No"*

Current Result:
"Employer EPF No" accept more than 9 digit

Expected Result:
1. To set max length at 9 digit
2. Allow only numeric

*2. *1. To set max length at "Contact Person"*

Current Result:
"Contact Person" accept more than 64 alphabet

Expected Result:
1. To set max length at 64 alphanumeric
2. Allow only alphabet space @-./
3. Change error message to be: Contact Person cannot include numeric and special character except space @-./

*3. *1. To set max length at "Contact Number"*

Current Result:
"Contact Number" accept more than 11 numeric

Expected Result:
1. To set max length at 11 numeric
2. Allow only numeric
3. Error message to be: Contact Number must be numeric
