Bug #9820

Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago

Path : CDB (Verifier) > Authorization

*1. To reorder and amend the listing following my attachment*

*Own Account*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*3rd Party*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*Bill Payment*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*2. Interbank - System not display fee amount. (Fee is available at initiator result)*

*3. 3. To add "SI Charges" to listing* listing

Path : Authorization > Confirmation.

*Own Account*
(Pay Later)

*3rd Party*
(Pay Later)

(Pay Later)

*Bill Payment*
(Pay Later)

(Pay Later)

*4. To put status at the top of the list*

*Own Account*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*3rd Party*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*Bill Payment*
(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

(Pay Now)
(Pay Later)

*5. To hide charges if the value is zero*

*6. To replace Label*

Initiator Date > Initiated Date

Start Date > Payment Date (JOMPAY PAY LATER)

Start Date > Transfer Date (OWN , 3rd , INTER

Verifier Status > Authorization Status (Path : Result )
