Task #9827

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 5 years ago

*1. No required validation at:*
1. Facilities
2. Branch Name (BM)
3. Bank Address
4. Post Code
5. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
6. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)

*2. Add asterisk sign at required field:*
1. Branch Type
2. Facilities
3. Branch Code
4. Branch Name (EN)
5. Branch Name (BM)
6. Bank Address
7. Post Code
8. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
9. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)

*3. No validation for entering special character and alphabet*
1. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
2. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)

entering other than numeric and dot(.) will should display error message:
1. Invalid Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
2. Invalid Branch Coordinate (Longitude)
