Task #9827

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli over 5 years ago

*1. No required validation at:*
1. Facilities
2. Branch Name (BM)
3. Bank Address
4. Post Code
5. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
6. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)
7. Status

*2. Add asterisk sign at required field:*
1. Branch Type
2. Facilities
3. Branch Code
4. Branch Name (EN)
5. Branch Name (BM)
6. Bank Address
7. Post Code
8. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
9. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)

10. Status

*3. No validation for entering special character and alphabet*
1. Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
2. Branch Coordinate (Longitude)

entering other than numeric and dot(.) will should display error message:
1. Invalid Branch Coordinate (Latitude)
2. Invalid Branch Coordinate (Longitude)
