Bug #10984

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 4 years ago

*Action: Add*

+Bug 1:
Bug: Back button at Authorized Contact - Details Delete Result page direct to wrong page+ page

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile> Authorized Contact List > Add: Click on Back button

Current Result:
Delete Authorized Contact Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

+Bug 2: Back button at Authorized Contact - Result page direct to wrong page+

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile> Authorized Contact List
> Add > Confirm Delete > Result: Result Page: Click on Back "Back" button

Current Result: Authorized Contact Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

*Action: Edit*

+Bug 3: Back button at Authorized Contact - Details page direct

to wrong page+

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile>
Authorized Contact List > Edit > Details: Click on Back button

Current Result: Authorized Contact - Details Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact List Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

+Bug 4: Back button at Authorized Contact - Result
Create page direct to wrong page+

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile> Authorized Contact List > Edit > Details > Result: Click on Back button

Current Result: Authorized Contact List Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact List Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

*Action: Delete*

+Bug 5: Back button at Authorized Contact - Confirm page

direct to wrong page+

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile>
Authorized Contact List > Delete> Confirm: Click on Back button

Current Result: Authorized Contact - Details Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact List Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

+Bug 6: Back button at Authorized Contact - Result
page direct to wrong page+

Path: Landing Page >Participant Profile> Authorized Contact List > Delete> Confirm > Result: Click on Back button

Current Result: Authorized Contact (Create) - Details Page (on click at Participant Profile tab)

Expected Result: Authorized Contact Page (on click at Authorized Contact tab)

(main page)
