Bug #11050

Updated by Erni Suhaireen Zulkifli about 4 years ago

Bug: Details display at Confirm and Result page is not complete

+*Confirm Page*+

+To add below field:+

Current Result:
1. Authorization Status (Should have value, currently display no (no value)
2. Credit Date Organization Name
3. HQ Employer No. Transaction Type
4. Employer No. Batch ID
5. Deduction Year Organisation Code
6. Deduction Month File Format
7. Total PCB Record File Name

Expected Result:

8. Total PCB Amount 1. Authorization Status (Should have value)
9. Total CP38 Record -2. Organisation Name-
-3. Transaction Type-

10. Totatl CP38 Amount -4. Organisation Code-
11. Total Charges -5. File Format-
12. -6. File Name-
7. Transfer Type
8. Batch ID (iOS display
IB Reference No
No., not Batch ID)
Initiator Name
14. 10. Initiator Date
15. 11. Verifier Name (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
16. 12. Verifier Date (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
17. 13. Verifier Remarks (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
14. Approver Name 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)

15. Approver Date 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)
16. Approver Status 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)
17. Approver Remarks 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)

+*Result Page*+

+To add below fields:+

Current Result:
1. Organisation Name Approver Remarks
2. HQ Employer No.
3. Employer No.
Authorization Status
3.Organisation Name
4. Deduction Year Transaction Type
5. Deduction Month Batch ID
6. Total PCB Record Organisation Code
7. Total PCB Amount File Format
8. Total CP38 Record File Name

Expected Result:

9. Total CP38 Amount -1. Approver Remarks-
10. Total Charges -2. Authorization Status-
11. -3.Organisation Name-
-4. Transaction Type-
5. Batch ID ( iOS display
IB Reference No No)
6. Organisation Name
-7. Organisation Code-
-8. File Format-
-9. File Name-
10. Initiator Name
11. Initiator Date
12. Verifier Name (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
13. Verifier Date (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
14. Verifier Remarks (Show blank field if Verifier role is not allow)
15. Approver Name 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)

16. Approver Date 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)
17. Approver Status 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)
18. Approver Remarks 1 (Only display display if have more than 1 approver)
