Bug #12440

Updated by Siti Norahayu Mohd Desa almost 3 years ago

Step :

1. On CI-Portal Home, user click "Profile" icon
2. User select the "Message Box" icon
3. User click on "Send New Notification" sub menu on "Message Box" screen
4. User select "Participant" on "Site" drop down selection
5. User select "All Participant" on "Send" check box
6. User select any available template name on "Template" drop down
7. User click "Next" button on "Sent to Notification Screen - Details"
8. User verify the New Notification
9. User select "Expiry Date" value on DTP
10. User try to input more than 200 character long on "Subject" field

Actual Result :

System can input more than 200 characters there is no input limit on "Subject Field" "
Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Send New Notification Test 1234567890 Send New Notification"

Expected Result :
System Cannot be Typed input more than 200 characters and change subject to Alphanumeric & Space only.
