Support #13890

Updated by Bin Hamzah Muhammad Fadhly 6 months ago

Kindly attend below request:-

Require your assistance to perform fix for the issue arise for Mobile (Android & iOS) and Web after deployment 2/2 & 6/2.

1) Server under maintenance (Android & iOS)
2) Able to enter amount 0.0 with no validation from android (Android & iOS)
3) Amount 0 but GST display 0.2 at confirmation page (Android)
4) GST field should not display if value = 0 at confirmation (Android)
5) New transfer but receipt display as favourite (P2P) (Android & iOS & Web)
6) Wrong error message when add as facourite for existing favourite account (Android & iOS)
7) Device Manager not function (Android & iOS)
8) Unable to click OK in Logout page when session timeout from Quick Balance page (iOS)
