Bug #14073

Updated by Bin Hamzah Muhammad Fadhly about 1 month ago

In TRANSFER AND PAYMENT module (mobile app), change Transaction Type from IBG/RENTAS to BSN (3rd Party)/IBG/RENTAS. Parent: https://hub.penril.net/redmine/issues/14072

Full Changelogs:
1) Retrieved transactionTypeMap from /IBFundTransferServices/init endpoint.
2) Show it in dropdown in New Recipient Page
3) Transaction Type will be same as chosen dropdown. Headers will follow the same.
4) Modules affected (Singleuser New Recipient, Initiator New Recipient)

Parent: https://hub.penril.net/redmine/issues/14072

Developer's Testing: https://penrilsb-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/fadhlyhamzah_penril_net/Eb1FcyEYVwFBnoQNOv7BPCEBVmv8uT69AuDB_8Y8E-DWnA?e=uVgRuo

SIT Build: https://penrilsb.sharepoint.com/:li:/s/MobileDeveloper/E1npC3wCA-FGqeWg3yxCBl4BK3gAuIIcJwDUDefBOUCfcw?e=xJu2wQ
