
From February 12, 2013 to March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

17:05 Task #2053 (Pending Review): BIB-Approver:Authorization
Need to review this request. If this is not from customer, we will wait till then. The current process is ok.
Tan Lee Yong
16:13 Task #2053: BIB-Approver:Authorization
current design: if did not approve within 24 hours, it will disappear from the task list. it will be keep there and t... Anonymous
15:29 Task #2053 (Dropped-End of life cycle): BIB-Approver:Authorization
current design: once approved, the task list will be disappeared from his/her view
new design:
1. once approved, i...

February 18, 2013

17:48 Task #1939: BIB Mock Run data preparation for Internal testing
Tested FD Placement in BIB: OK
Need to confirm validation on FD account no length
Yap Kah Yan
15:20 Task #1964 (Closed - End of life cycle): BIB: System Demo site - Corporate Admin & Viewer
To develop the demo site. Anonymous
09:23 Task #1913 (Development / Work In Progress): BIB - Account and Banking:eStatement Download
Completed. Need confirmation on:
-PDF file naming convention and folder structure
-Login access to file server
Anwar Khairul

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