Agrobank Source Code Control Guideline

As of now, we will have only 2 branches for agrobank projects dependencies (RIB, IBAM, IBSSCORE, CORE_BANKING, UTILS and MAILBOX) which are Production branch and Phase2 branch.

Production branch: the production branch is to support current production environment, any bug fixing or CR will be performed on this branch.
For CR, its required to create another branch from Production branch and name it based on this format (CR-RedmineTask#). If there has been any bug fixing on production branch while CR is taking place it required to be pull to the CR for testing prior to be merged to the Production branch. Ultimately, everytime production branch being deployed to production environment, its required to pull of stable version which you can refer to attachment file for getting stable branch no.

i.e.: Production branch is going while CR-1, CR-2, CR-3 is requested, there will be three branch of CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, after all the CR being done, lets say clients only request to put in CR-1 and CR-2, therefore there will be branch merge CR-1 and CR-2 name as (CR-1-2). In the same time there might be bug fixing on production branch which requires to be pull to the CR-1-2 branch for comfort test again then merge CR-1-2 branch with production branch and deploy to the production environment after internal and UAT test by user.

For those who has uncommited code on sit branch in different project, first pull the latest update from sit, resolve conflict if any, then shelve (team menu), then switch to Production branch, then unshelve, make sure there is no conflict and commit your code to production branch.

AGROBANK_RIB_VERSIONING.pptx - Stable versioning guileline (115 KB) Almasi Moein, October 08, 2012 13:13