
Tracker  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Task - - -
Bug - - -
Support - - -
Change - - -
Feature - - -
Follow Up - - -
Migration - - -

Priority  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High - - -
Normal - - -
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom_in

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Author  Zoom_in

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Version  Zoom_in

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Subproject  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Agrobank CUA & API Gateway 2019 20 3 23
Agrobank Information Site 1 5 6
Agrobank Internet Banking 3 3 6
Agrobank BIB 4 1 5
Agrobank Multilanguage 3 9 12
Agrobank Phase 2 1 1 2
AgroBank Meeting Minutes - - -
Phase 2 - Development Phase - - -
Phase 2-BIB 67 14 81
Phase 2-IBAM 48 29 77
Phase 2-RIB 20 6 26
Phase 2 - Internal Testing - 1 1
1.IBAM 11 192 203
2.RIB 2 18 20
3.BIB 65 113 178
Phase 2 - SIT Phase - - -
BIB - 36 36
IBAM 1 92 93
RIB - 1 1
Phase 2 - UAT Phase - - -
BIB - 17 17
IBAM - 6 6
RIB - 5 5
Agrobank Report - 23 23
Agrobank Tech Refresh 5 2 7
Agrobank UIUX and CUA Merge 2 3 5
Bank As CA - 2 2
Bulk Payment - - -
Bulk Payment - Development - - -
Bulk Payment - Internal Testing - 1 1
Bulk Payment - SIT - - -
Bulk Payment - UAT - - -
Doc Preparation - 2 2
Cash Management System Phase 2 Deliverables - 19 19
Auto Sweeping - 2 2
EPF - 29 29
Online Payment Gateway - 7 7
Statutory Bodies - 27 27
CR-00037(CM201400851): Payment Reference - - -
DOC Preparation - 2 2
CR00030 (CM201400732)Set limit by company at IBAM - - -
CR00030 - Development - - -
DOC Preparation - 1 1
CR00042:CM201400718 Financing repayment via RIB and BIB - - -
DOC Preparation - 1 1
CR00044(CM201400920):To add filtering during RIB registeration - - -
DOC Preparation - 1 1
eIBFT in BIB - - -
eIBFT - Internal Testing - 1 1
Phase 1 Archive - - -
Agrobank Call Centre - 4 4
Agrobank IB - Infrastructure 1 21 22
Agrobank IBAM - 96 96
Agrobank RIB 1 106 107
Standing Instruction (SI) - - -
DOC Preparation - 3 3
SI - Development - - -
SI - SIT - - -
SI - UAT - - -
Takaful - 18 18
SIT Takaful - 24 24
UAT Takaful - 11 11

Category  Zoom_in

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