
From March 29, 2011 to April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011

16:25 Task #839: Project Time Frame
session fail-over not working as some of the objects we stored in the session is not serialized. Turn off the session... Ang Wei Cheng

April 25, 2011

Avatar?id=1733&size=24 17:49 Task #839: Project Time Frame
im guessing.. - could be the sticky session.
continue on Wednesday.
Ahmad Hazri
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 17:46 Task #839: Project Time Frame
WAS Clustering setup successfully.
Now issue on RIB & RSS, after success to login, cannot do anything as the brows...
Ahmad Hazri
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 15:54 Task #839: Project Time Frame
WAS Clustering (Pre-configuration)
Server: T2 & T3
1)Date & Time should 5 minutes different for ...
Ahmad Hazri
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 15:39 Task #839 (Development / Work In Progress): Project Time Frame
Ahmad Hazri

April 21, 2011

18:41 Task #839: Project Time Frame
JMS is not part of our deployment. As long as our MSS and RIB is up and running. Thanks for the update. Tan Lee Yong
17:37 Task #839: Project Time Frame
tried to deploy the jms stuff.
created connection factory and queues.
deployed message driven bean. seems to be w...
Ang Wei Cheng
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 15:12 Task #839: Project Time Frame
Project's main scope is met and the result is what we expected.
Currently working on IBM Http server (IHS).
Ahmad Hazri
11:46 Task #839: Project Time Frame
update the upass core query to insert one by one instead of using the oracle syntax "insert all".
created new rib ...
Ang Wei Cheng
11:14 Task #839: Project Time Frame
Discovered another issue caused by the usage of "Insert All" which used to insert multiple rows in one SQL call.
Ang Wei Cheng

April 20, 2011

18:30 Task #839: Project Time Frame
ported the schema and data into the DB2.
deployed RSS, RIB and Upass server(webservice) into the WAS7.
Upass web s...
Ang Wei Cheng

April 19, 2011

10:48 Task #839: Project Time Frame
successfully ported the data and schema of RIB from oracle to the db2. Ang Wei Cheng

April 13, 2011

19:51 Task #839: Project Time Frame
-grant "load" privilege to user RIB.
-increase tablespace page size (table IB_SERVICE_INFO too large, need to increa...
Ang Wei Cheng

April 12, 2011

17:54 Task #839: Project Time Frame
Finish porting the data and schema for schema RSS.
Pending: RIB...
Need to grant "LOAD" privilege to the user RIB...
Ang Wei Cheng
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 11:07 Task #839: Project Time Frame
Currently working on prerequisite of this engagement to convert oracle DB to DB2 database at Penril environm...
Ahmad Hazri
Avatar?id=1733&size=24 10:55 Task #839 (Closed - End of life cycle): Project Time Frame
This will report all project plan and activity Ahmad Hazri

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