
From June 04, 2010 to July 03, 2010

July 02, 2010

08:37 Revision 2489:c53a11adcca6: Fixed logInetTranHistory calling (more arguements required)
Wong Bernard

July 01, 2010

16:31 Revision 2488:44687a688802: Newly merged from SMS Notification Branch IBUtility.jar
Tan Lee Yong
16:30 Revision 2487:cff915b4e24b: Merge with 2b316eeb60150ed9c633a67337b8dd7cc021a1c7
Tan Lee Yong
16:10 Revision 2486:1943d8fe89e6: Merge with b1f8fa064c6db570f90815106cae0fd10ace255e
Tan Lee Yong
16:07 Revision 2485:020d82114c32: Updated library
Tan Lee Yong
14:16 Revision 2435:2b316eeb6015: Change print format (amount column) to align="right"
Change Commision field to Estimated Commision at IBBankersChequeResultServices for email Ayu Mastura

June 30, 2010

15:11 Revision 2434:d6c7833efda0: Change REPORTTYPE name from BANKER'S CHEQUE APPLICATION to BANKERS CH...
Ayu Mastura

June 29, 2010

19:54 Revision 2433:654539f08e87: recommit for confirm and result page (jsp)
Ayu Mastura
17:48 Revision 2432:df6c6daa117c: set (-)value to empty field in confirm & result page (jsp)
Ayu Mastura
15:57 Revision 2431:78aef07307cb: IBDemandDraftPrintService: get localAmount, stampDuty, costOfWire to ...
IBLogger: modify logDemandDraftForm() to add param for costOfWire;
DemandDraftUtil: modify getDemandPrintResult() to ...
Chang Grace
14:26 Revision 2412:a8a9f550ec67: common util lib for the secured mail box usage
Tan Lee Yong
13:55 Revision 2411:ebc728dbb523: new library for secured mailbox
Ngoh Chee Ping

June 28, 2010

17:22 Revision 2484:b1f8fa064c6d: Fixed trimming of customer name for SMS message and SMS message
Wong Bernard
14:21 Revision 2430:a98a947fd08e: checking form beans, view beans for Banker's Cheque application
Chang Grace
11:03 Revision 2483:dc685623689e: Updated setupConfimFormBean to check for no value for Beneficiary Mob...
Wong Bernard
10:56 Revision 2482:50b5dafc7850: Fixed bug where Beneficiary Mobile No will store other location numbe...
Wong Bernard
09:12 Revision 2481:d9ae80230ee3: Updated IBUtility.jar, now includes SMS Notification reports
Wong Bernard

June 27, 2010

19:24 Revision 2429:87237d8a012e: set (-) to empty field in confirm & result page (jsp)
modified the enquiry page to display amount not total amount shuhaida

June 25, 2010

23:20 Revision 2428:44dd54e29008: Merge
23:07 Revision 2427:65409aea74ea: modified on email, report and print page for demand draft
22:40 Revision 2425:af5e09c69f8c: Modified email and print page
Ayu Mastura
19:32 Revision 2426:c047390a3f7b: 1)modified the email display format & print page
2)remove amount option in enquiry page shuhaida
17:14 Revision 2424:c7bee82bc6a1: get applicationDate and set into view beans;
ibsRemittanceEnq.jsp: remove filtering for amount; Chang Grace
16:42 Revision 2423:c012e9eb3536: checking form beans, view beans for demand draft application;
Chang Grace
13:26 Revision 2480:ab41ae659bd4: Corrected location where back-end validation for Beneficiary Mobile N...
Wong Bernard
10:41 Revision 2479:13e9f34ad339: Uncommented validation to check for Bene mobile number if user select...
Wong Bernard

June 24, 2010

16:37 Revision 2422:269d15ee5b52: review Banker's Cheque Application;
BankersChequeUtil: remove getApplicationLink, getUserProfile(), getRemittanceList(), getEnqDetail(), getRemittanceTab... Chang Grace
09:01 Revision 2478:cef79a8c9774: Removed and updated LogTables in IBUtility.
Updated SMSServices to use LogTables Wong Bernard

June 23, 2010

17:28 Revision 2421:42ca8d07064b: review Demand Draft Application:
DemandDraftUtil: remove getUserProfile(), getBankersPrintResult(), getRemittanceList() which is unused;
Chang Grace

June 22, 2010

19:32 Revision 2420:e2d0adb30592: fix the filter inside remittance enquiry page
19:06 Revision 2419:ac414300d949: add on email to Banker's Cheque
Ayu Mastura
16:04 Revision 2418:6d61b6671477: fix email & add logo_islamic_banking.jpg
11:27 Revision 2417:dbc2561dd875: Fixed Bugs and add on message resources
Ayu Mastura

June 21, 2010

16:40 Revision 2416:8f14b26f7273: Added Banker's Cheque module
Ayu Mastura
15:40 Revision 2477:0de65c61955c: Updated IBUtility.jar
Wong Bernard
15:40 Revision 2476:0d82e89d2513: Updated to use formatAmountValue method for displaying amount value i...
Wong Bernard
15:39 Revision 2475:16d68e680504: Added support for clearing Beneficiary Mobile Number fields.
Wong Bernard
15:38 Revision 2474:de8173a1cb1d: Added resetBeneMobile function to reset Beneficiary Mobile No fields.
Wong Bernard
15:37 Revision 2473:173d63eb08a8: Changed addLocalCountryCode to accept one less parameter (p_sISOCurre...
Wong Bernard
13:40 Revision 2472:8605a4f3cded: Merge with 295e95ee4cdc025e61f2e3f24dca64807e654c71
Wong Bernard
11:32 Revision 2468:ee8d875f7fb5: Fixed TransactionStatus checking
Added 6 for local Mobile Number for Beneficiary Wong Bernard

June 18, 2010

17:47 Revision 2415:24d18329a2db: fix bug for demand draft and remittance enquiry
17:13 Revision 2467:5051912082c9: Improved sendSMS methods usability
Wong Bernard
16:38 Revision 2466:44ac4d2223e2: Added new methods to generate SMS messages (generateCustomerSMSMessag...
Updated ResultServices to use new methods Wong Bernard
16:20 Revision 2471:295e95ee4cdc: IBLogger: remove logInetTranHistory() which contains all parameters e...
Chang Grace
16:14 Revision 2470:92ec5e7c827e: ibsSIAddSelect.jsp: using mainNote2 of SIMAINT;
ibsSIMaint*Results.jsp: fix step no and mainNote Chang Grace
15:13 Revision 2465:b34e7e8d3b2c: Updated validation method to check Beneficiary Mobile No
Wong Bernard
15:03 Revision 2464:3e23bcfb51f5: Added Beneficiary Mobile No form to ibsPaymentDetails.jsp. Keep it c...
Wong Bernard
14:42 Revision 2463:e2b1bf711088: Added Beneficiary Mobile No form to ibsOwnTransferDetails.jsp. Keep ...
Wong Bernard
14:41 Revision 2462:fbf30884c972: Moved variable settings into if condition in ibsSmsNotification.jsp
Wong Bernard
14:21 Revision 2461:468fec2680f6: Renamed method validateSMSNotificationForm to validateBeneficiaryMobi...
Added viewBean parameter to validateBeneficiaryMobileNoForm Wong Bernard
13:39 Revision 2460:a2668fb2f020: Removed conditional logic and streamlined SMS coding
Wong Bernard
13:38 Revision 2459:6b26e40a73af: Added methods to send specifically Beneficiary and Customer SMS.
Added more condition canSMSToBeneficiary and canSMSToCustomer
Updated insertToSMSNotificationTable method to include ...
Wong Bernard
13:35 Revision 2458:3d4a6e6d70e5: Added two new columns, MOBILE_NO and TRNX_STATUS
Wong Bernard
13:32 Revision 2457:7c55916381ae: Changed logSMSActivity to accept Other1 parameter, created overloadin...
Wong Bernard
13:28 Revision 2469:e8e71dab48cf: ESBTransferGL2CASAServices: setChannelID to 41, (41 is Internet Banki...
Chang Grace
11:33 Revision 2456:e545b395e537: Reduced Beneficiary International Mobile No field to 14 characters.
Wong Bernard
11:32 Revision 2455:3761969a6edf: Added validation to check if beneficiary mobile number is provided wh...
Wong Bernard

June 16, 2010

21:20 Revision 2454:0dcdffe8a18a: Moved all SMS Notification validation to back-end (transaction module...
Wong Bernard
21:05 Revision 2453:c54667a166d9: Added ibsSmsNotification.jsp to sms folder
Wong Bernard
21:02 Revision 2452:813379398795: Moved ibsSmsNotification.jsp to its own folder (sms)
Updated Details pages that calls ibsSmsNotification.jsp Wong Bernard
20:53 Revision 2451:15a1dc9fb48d: Merge with 11c9afbee8371f4845607858f6718d6bd840f28a
17:31 Revision 2450:e20c284a67b5: Added Struts config files for SMS Notification
Added back-end validation for Bene Mobile Local number (matchlength = 7)
Fixed Bene Mobile Number fields when user cl...
Wong Bernard
12:50 Revision 2449:11c9afbee837: add ibsSmsNotification.jsp as generic page;
thirdpary/form-beans: modify regThirdPartyTransferForm to add property for sms notification;
ibsFttDetails, ibsInterb...
Chang Grace
10:09 Revision 2448:2b94452b92d3: Corrected several JSP pages to call the correct View Bean name for SM...
Added SMS Notification properties to view-bean.xml for Third Party Wong Bernard

June 15, 2010

17:04 Revision 2447:c1dfcad03b8e: Changed name of p_sOthers1 to p_sOther1 in logSMSActivity method
Wong Bernard
15:57 Revision 2446:d2ac5400b95a: Updated logSMSActivity method to accept Other1 value in IBLogger
Changed smsSend method to cater for inserting data into IB_SMS_Notification table
Added new SMSNotificationTable clas...
Wong Bernard
09:15 Revision 2445:72cc9c3247fe: 1. Improved SMS template (one less arguement)
2. Removed a method from SMSServices and changed Result classes Wong Bernard

June 11, 2010

14:15 Revision 2414:19331f4ef40f: to add demand draft and remittance enquiry
13:14 Revision 2437:7e58cb527d14: Added SMS Notification support.
Wong Bernard

June 10, 2010

17:27 Revision 2436:2880ff585686: Added SMS Notification support for several transaction modules:
Foreign Fund Transfer
Thrid Party
Bill Payment
Wong Bernard

June 09, 2010

20:05 Revision 2413:6080faf20fef: Testing Commit From Workspace
Ayu Mastura
17:25 Revision 2444:7d162a987fde: IBSIDeleteInterResultsServices, IBSIDeleteIntraResultsServices: get e...
IBSIEditIntraDetailsServices: remove empty checking for description(which is unused checking) and email (which is dup... Chang Grace

June 08, 2010

16:38 Revision 2443:61aeb579f6fe: fix transfer limit for scheduler;
IBGenericInterbankServices: modify checkInterbankTransferDailyLimitByServiceCode, checkInterbankTransferDailyLimit, g... Chang Grace

June 07, 2010

19:13 Revision 2442:9bf55d4825a6: stored error reason for insufficient fund
18:47 Revision 2441:227bf380c49e: save correct SI Service code into IB_BILL_PAYMENT table
Chang Grace
14:49 Revision 2440:498394a8e1d0: IBGenericSIServices: modify getSICharges() to remove IBSessionObjects...
SIJobConsumer: get serviceName, contextPath, absolutePath, applicationPath; add serviceName, con...
Chang Grace

June 04, 2010

16:53 Revision 2439:8e18212d9383: when calculate totalSIChargesAmt, exclude SiCharRevStatus = true, whe...
Chang Grace
11:51 Revision 2438:b63e9be222b4: take account of charges revert status when calculating charges.
Ang Wei Cheng

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