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Revision 2390:24859863049d


Added by Chang Grace over 14 years ago

verify transLimit for FTT and bill payment during edit SI;
IBSIEditBillDetailsServices: get siServiceCode and set into view-beans;
IBSIEditBillResultsServices: verify SI daily limit;
IBSIEditFttDetailsServices: get siServiceCode, forexRate, senderCountry, and makesure currencyList is not empty;
IBSIEditFttConfirmServices: calculate localAmount to verify min and max trans amount;
IBSIEditFttResultsServices: set effectiveDate;
SIConstants: add siServiceCode;
ftt/view-beans, billpayment/view-beans: add property siServiceCode;
ibsSISummary.jsp: remove <div id=steps> and add space for dropdown list;


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