
From March 18, 2010 to April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010

18:31 Revision 2332:08eb04567198: IB*SITransferResultsServices: if paymentMode is payLater (not recurri...
Chang Grace
16:27 Revision 2331:fbfe18cb167c: catch exception properly.
add method to call si job manually Ang Wei Cheng
13:07 Revision 2330:108efbe7a295: SI-UAT-0310-C018: To add filter and column for “Next Payment Date”;
Chang Grace

April 15, 2010

20:45 Revision 2329:ad04b4d44e9c: Add asterisk field mandatory for maintenance page
Sarinah Darsy
20:37 Revision 2328:0439ba44b95c: fixed to get the maximum limit and charges of interbank/intrabank's s...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:52 Revision 2327:576523968393: modify GL account for SI
Chang Grace
17:24 Revision 2326:78cc553ecfaa: IBSIDelete*ResultsServices: To delete SI, no need to verify blackList...
IBSIEdit*ResultsServices: makesure siIndicator always true;
IBSIEditInterResultsServices: fix for receiptLink, using ...
Chang Grace
16:54 Revision 2325:3a8aa140d9bc: delete epf modules.
Ang Wei Cheng
10:43 Revision 2324:be45aa0eb0a3: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-054 - item (C) : remove validation (required) for fie...
Vincent Devethas

April 14, 2010

19:17 Revision 2323:789828cee93a: 1) added to log to table IB_USER_ACTIVITY for transferLimit module
2) - added enum for table IB_TRANSFER_LIMIT
3) - removed constant for tab...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:51 Revision 2322:2819afb70b15: cater to the si history column changes. use local and foreign amount ...
Ang Wei Cheng
18:50 Revision 2321:545de0bd350d: add local amt and foregin amt. remove amount.
Ang Wei Cheng
15:30 Revision 2320:0a0f5e596cb6: remove the wrong mappings.
Ang Wei Cheng
14:54 Revision 2319:1968edad7fa3: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-054 - put asterisk at from account field from open in...
Vincent Devethas

April 13, 2010

19:55 Revision 2318:487c5c02eed5: fix logSIHistory, log foreignAmount into coloumn FOREIGN_AMOUNT, m_sD...
Chang Grace
19:43 Revision 2317:d0fad9c36a20: using LinkedHashMap for receipt
Chang Grace
19:35 Revision 2316:6f4132d8fd5b: remove receipt for paymentMode, paymentFrequency, startDate, terminat...
Chang Grace
19:33 Revision 2315:1566e0e79d56: modify getDataFromSiHistory() by condition IBSI.trnxID, not IBSI.curr...
Chang Grace
19:16 Revision 2314:a68d2e00a0b7: add dash if value is empty
19:05 Revision 2313:f6c070592ff2: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-054 - item : c) Consumer IB: Pls put the asterisk at ...
Vincent Devethas
18:16 Revision 2312:3ef445be423d: SI-UAT-0310-SL007: Fix description for SI edit, delete;
IBPaymentResultsServices: modify logInetTranHistory() to add effectiveDate; Chang Grace
18:06 Revision 2311:c50780c67886: IBSIHistoryService:
- for amount to display, get from column foreignAmount Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:48 Revision 2310:9b7c626be3dd: IBSIHistoryService (bib):
- check if toAccount is empty, replace with '-'
- for amount to display, get from column foreignAmount
Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:33 Revision 2309:77de372b09c7: Add hidden amount value if amount type is 'Fix' so that it will valid...
16:32 Revision 2308:cabd318fd7d3: SISummary - Modify to set 'to account' field as '-' if it is empty
Sarinah Darsy
16:06 Revision 2307:574df07307d2: SI-UAT-0310-C013 - Asterisks are missing for all mandatory fields. on... - removed SI_CHARGES columnthat not been used anymore
validation - for edit ftt
Sarinah Darsy
13:52 Revision 2306:702e2e4beb57: - changed all hardcoded DB constant for SI and SI DB constant from SI...
- removed DB constant from SIConstant. should call the constants from LogTable class to ease refactoring.
- fix name ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:32 Revision 2305:6e4a3123d933: SI-UAT-0310-C018: To add filter and column for “Next Payment Date”;
IBSISummaryServices: add method getListOfSISummaryByIndex(), getIBSIBean();
SIEngine: modify generateTriggerData() to...
Chang Grace

April 12, 2010

19:38 Revision 2304:b202783ec9dd: - moved method getDataFromSiHistory(), getDateSIHistory(), getSITrans...
- changed all hardcoded DB constant for SI and SI DB constant from SIConstant Latipah Abdul Rashid
16:51 Revision 2303:00a0d04efc86: SI-UAT-0310-SL011 - Online History & SI History : Tranx Details (FTT ...
Sarinah Darsy
12:00 Revision 2302:c248424abdc6: comment out the verbose output
Ang Wei Cheng
10:54 Revision 2301:967fc4ee9a75: add javadoc comment to getNextPaymentDate()
Ang Wei Cheng

April 09, 2010

22:44 Revision 2300:13c0a294291a: SI-UAT-0310-SL006 - Edit SI: Amt must be 2 decimals;
replace some hardcoded DB constant with LogTables constant;
modified formatMoney2Dec () to check if amount is empty, ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:25 Revision 2299:139dda446f27: remove extra asterisk note
Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:11 Revision 2298:87229b9d2c4f: SI-UAT-0310-C013 - Asterisks are missing for all mandatory fields. on... - removed SI_CHARGES columnthat not been used anymore
validation - for edit ftt
Sarinah Darsy
18:22 Revision 2297:f906695d9b64: IBLogger: modify logBillPaymentActivity() to add param effectiveDate;
Chang Grace
17:28 Revision 2296:71893f03f4de: log foreignAmount into IB_SI_HISTORY
Chang Grace
17:23 Revision 2295:7dd2ae9296f9: if verification for user limit and bank limit are failed, makesure do...
Chang Grace
17:16 Revision 2294:3e802b01701b: add get next payment date() method to SI Engine
Ang Wei Cheng
16:49 Revision 2293:18b11b05da88: Fixed the error result when make edit interbank transfer
Sarinah Darsy
16:40 Revision 2292:c1fb63d841c4: clean up code
Ang Wei Cheng
16:20 Revision 2291:0f597630e859: add required lib jar for hibernate
Ang Wei Cheng
15:12 Revision 2290:b0a360a668a2: Fixed the error result when make edit interbank transfer
Sarinah Darsy
14:37 Revision 2289:e2b5792ccc11: fix null return trnx status
Ang Wei Cheng
14:36 Revision 2288:3b12bbc3eaaa: SI-UAT-0310-SL015 - add more stats to the scheduler email template
Ang Wei Cheng
13:13 Revision 2287:294a9aa76e78: Add validation for SI Edit Interbank
Sarinah Darsy
12:37 Revision 2286:44962e86c8f9: SI-UAT-0310-C013 - Asterisks are missing for all mandatory fields. on... - removed SI_CHARGES columnthat not been used anymore
validation - for edit ftt
Sarinah Darsy
11:38 Revision 2285:ed409c34dbcb: fix exception thrown when the list is empty
Ang Wei Cheng
10:52 Revision 2284:4cea15a6afc7: modify resetAcctApplTypeMap() to fix applType
Chang Grace
10:43 Revision 2283:ba76292cde85: add si charges column to si history pojo
Ang Wei Cheng

April 08, 2010

23:17 Revision 2282:9087741da700: SI-UAT-0310-SL011 - Online History & SI History : Tranx Details (FTT ...
Sarinah Darsy
20:16 Revision 2281:e59cb5429d99: Fix SI Charges: get latest SI charges from bvmc when scheduler been e...
IBGenericSIServices: add getSIChargesWithoutBV();
ESBServices, GenericESBServicesImpl: edit foreignFundTransfer to ad...
Chang Grace
18:49 Revision 2280:f104fc8bfdc6: Remove enum attribute SI_CHARGES
Sarinah Darsy
18:43 Revision 2279:bacfb98997ee: fix null trans status
Ang Wei Cheng
17:40 Revision 2278:39f4a9534591: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-054 - item : c) Consumer IB: Pls put the asterisk at ...
Vincent Devethas
16:20 Revision 2277:20da6d38cc19: reduce thread pool count.
Ang Wei Cheng
16:17 Revision 2276:5fcd291537a5: reduce the thread pool count.
Ang Wei Cheng
15:43 Revision 2275:016d608925bc: logging
Ang Wei Cheng
15:42 Revision 2274:dc485bbafc01: use debited local amount return from phoenix when log si history.
Ang Wei Cheng
13:47 Revision 2273:5d606c1f93fc: add terms for ftt
Ang Wei Cheng
12:32 Revision 2272:35c5b015e58c: add SICharges for scheduler
IBLogger: modify logSIHistory(), set fromCurrency, toCurrency to MYR if empty; modif...
Chang Grace
10:59 Revision 2271:6153bb67e4f7: status "accepted" is considered successful and sum up its amount and ...
Ang Wei Cheng
10:58 Revision 2270:1d8d529870d2: remove ibg.jar.
Ang Wei Cheng

April 07, 2010

20:40 Revision 2269:7d3beeb3ab43: add SICharges
Chang Grace
20:18 Revision 2268:b9f30edf6c27: included SI Charges;
ESBServices, GenericESBImplServices: add getAccountDetailsTC100();
IBGenericSIServices: add getSICharges();
Chang Grace
17:59 Revision 2267:729504cc8e75: fix hasReceipt boolean always false
Ang Wei Cheng
17:11 Revision 2266:e62eea2c40e0: Added new column SI_CHARGES for enum IB_INTRA_TRANFER, IB_INTER_TRANS...
Sarinah Darsy
16:07 Revision 2265:685137abfc73: SI-UAT-0310-SL007 - Delete & Update SI: KFH Online desc inaccurate
Sarinah Darsy
15:36 Revision 2264:65048ad382fc: modify getDataFromSiHistory() to get transType from IB_SI table
Chang Grace
14:12 Revision 2263:36570b04b74e: add ftt si and bill payment si
Ang Wei Cheng
13:53 Revision 2262:94645e2a883f: delete IBSI3rdPartyTransferResultsServices which is not in used
Chang Grace
13:51 Revision 2261:5fc7d9424017: IBUtility.jar: modify IB_SI_HISTORY to add new column (siCharges, phx...
IBLogger: modify logSIHistory() Chang Grace
12:19 Revision 2260:a69dd7c9d9d7: SI-UAT-0301-SL007: validation for delete SI, chg desc to 'Selection i...
Chang Grace

April 06, 2010

18:58 Revision 2259:1b2954d47136
Ang Wei Cheng
17:58 Revision 2258:8d61984324e2: change from bib_si to ib_si
Ang Wei Cheng
17:17 Revision 2257:fa77152ecbcf: fix scheduler listener bug
Ang Wei Cheng
16:04 Revision 2256:c1854332113e: fix the properties file location
Ang Wei Cheng
15:11 Revision 2255:b0a8c6bb6581: removed "s" at confirm button
Chang Grace
14:03 Revision 2254:91500b18454e: add verifyPageResubmit() and makesure reset IBSTATE into IBSTATE_INIT...
Chang Grace
13:54 Revision 2253:0136c081fe78: always clear TAC value before step 1 of edit/delete SI
Chang Grace
13:45 Revision 2252:078d04bea3bf: change description of scheduler to consumer scheduler
Ang Wei Cheng
13:42 Revision 2250:fb35ed6725d0: change username for hibernate cfg
Ang Wei Cheng
13:42 Revision 2251:4c7f343c5cd1: change from bibstg to bib
Ang Wei Cheng
13:22 Revision 2249:777c4a07c8db: add back, clear button when add SI;
Chang Grace
12:56 Revision 2248:c8f26a336f4a: SI-UAT-0310-C0011: expired SI only allowed to view, disallow to delet...
view-beans: add property 'isSIExpired';
IBSIEdit*DetailsServices: set isSIExpired into viewbean;
Chang Grace
12:53 Revision 2247:ba5f8b48d8dc: add quartz startup option to web.xml
Ang Wei Cheng
12:20 Revision 2246:78ad0fab55df: rename si job to si job consumer. prevent confusion with si job at bib
Ang Wei Cheng
12:18 Revision 2245:aaaa80458b66: add method to get ftt transaction by trnx id
Ang Wei Cheng
12:17 Revision 2244:699153313e8b: add interbank si to the si job
Ang Wei Cheng
11:02 Revision 2243:01d72cdabf14: get email from table and send email during 3rd party transfer.
Ang Wei Cheng

April 05, 2010

22:37 Revision 2242:d83e434554a5: added column 'ACCOUNT_HOLDER_NAME' and 'EMAIL' into table 'IB_INTRA_T...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:58 Revision 2241:6ce9d231acd9: SI-UAT-0310-SL004 - Fixes for validation TAC and fixed for Interbank ...
Sarinah Darsy
18:33 Revision 2240:1464deaf61ef: fix interbank si result services
Ang Wei Cheng
18:23 Revision 2239:1a2699a54694: SI-UAT-0310-SL005: print button is not available;
IBPaymentResultsServices: set isResultSuccessful flag into viewbean and reorder receipt's sequence;
Chang Grace
18:09 Revision 2238:4936b33dcb9a: add interbank si result services
Ang Wei Cheng
18:08 Revision 2237:3b9fd7ce4c7a: fix get lastname by user id method
Ang Wei Cheng
18:08 Revision 2236:95b5e2424f06: SI-UAT-0310-C010:
1. For expired payment schedule, user should allow to view the payment schedule by clicking on the IB Ref No. Howeve... Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:43 Revision 2235:d9c74fd40b90: added <br> between recurring pymt termination date and the description
Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:06 Revision 2234:c90d9b55567b: Fixed for wrongly forwarded 3rdPartyReg when adding SI
Sarinah Darsy
15:53 Revision 2233:a8197e407ac4: add 3rd party transfer si execute transaction.
Ang Wei Cheng
15:42 Revision 2232:879e60cf21ca: validation.xml: add SIDeleteForm;
ibsSISumamry.jsp: pagination show after filter menu Chang Grace
13:13 Revision 2231:63f19e392e05: fix the service name for receipt detail
Ang Wei Cheng
13:05 Revision 2230:111049f88df1: receipt detail log for own account transfer si
Ang Wei Cheng
12:27 Revision 2229:876ab553479e: fix service name. add termination date display, effective date display
Ang Wei Cheng
12:06 Revision 2228:2d2aba95557f: receipt details
Ang Wei Cheng
11:43 Revision 2227:8bcb490bb692: add quartz properties file
Ang Wei Cheng
11:42 Revision 2226:e9687ae5d170: remove unused statement
Ang Wei Cheng
11:41 Revision 2225:7fb2466f7174: add scheduler job
Ang Wei Cheng
11:40 Revision 2224:196d2dea49b3: add hibernate
Ang Wei Cheng

April 04, 2010

18:17 Revision 2223:06727419996e: add ib si own account transfer result service
Ang Wei Cheng
17:35 Revision 2222:42e8cf6effdc: add more fields to the select statement
Ang Wei Cheng
17:13 Revision 2221:bc84ea60aa02: add si payment frequency enum
Ang Wei Cheng
17:04 Revision 2220:1f9b0606f410: add logSIHistory method
Ang Wei Cheng
16:47 Revision 2219:d55c59357842: update ibutility jar. add si_history table to logtable
Ang Wei Cheng
16:36 Revision 2218:a5126dc0017b: modify get si trnx id to return payment mode as well, for receipt det...
Ang Wei Cheng
16:35 Revision 2217:19686616dc22: add own transfer db utils
Ang Wei Cheng
16:34 Revision 2216:c06561e2ab48: add get rim no by user id method
Ang Wei Cheng
12:41 Revision 2215:f5c0d798ea0c: SI-UAT-0310-C0011: add column SI Ref ID in SI History
Latipah Abdul Rashid

April 03, 2010

20:54 Revision 2214:d584660445b4: SIDBUtils: modify getSISummaryDetail(), order list by SITransID;
review SI edit, delete bill, ftt;
ibsFttConfirm.jsp, ibsFttResults.jsp: add message for currency rate if payMode othe...
Chang Grace
20:10 Revision 2213:ffbd89a2549f: - display section 'standing instructions details' for FTT;
- added missing dotted line where applicable Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:19 Revision 2212:7d7a51e9a281: SI-UAT-0310-C004: disable calendar as well (for SI Creation)
Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:44 Revision 2211:e2d9c58570a1: IBSIEditOwnResultsServices: review code and refactor "
IBGenericSIServices: modify confirmSIInput(), set terminationDateFormat to empty string if terminationDate is empty; ... Chang Grace
15:42 Revision 2210:53358f035a7f: add m_boIsResultSuccessful
Chang Grace
15:40 Revision 2209:4af595ab38af: add SI Ref No, SI Reference No;changed IB Ref No to SI Ref No;
change all date format from "dd/MM/yyyy" to "dd/mm/yyyy";
logSI only if both siIndicator and resultSuccessfulFlag is ...
Chang Grace
15:39 Revision 2208:a059ec5c2c20: If radiobutton should not show, replace it with '&nbsp;'.
If not, the upper line(dotted) will not show in IE7 (for BIB) Latipah Abdul Rashid
15:01 Revision 2207:8fee01a35f9f: IB3rdPartyTransferConfirmAction,IBReg3rdPartyTransferConfirmAction: f...
IB3rdPartyTransferResultsServices,IBReg3rdPartyTransferResultsServices: review shuhaida's code to fix SI payment;
Chang Grace

April 02, 2010

22:17 Revision 2206:931797afb4e5: SI Edit and Delete for Bill Payment
11:47 Revision 2205:c6e16a0bfb13: added ibg endpoint for DEV
Latipah Abdul Rashid

April 01, 2010

19:56 Revision 2204:427babdf78bb: SI-UAT-0310-C004 - a) Disable the “Start Date” if “Pay Later”...
b) Disable the “Payment Frequency, Start Date and Termination Date” if “Set up as recurring payment” is not s... Latipah Abdul Rashid
19:47 Revision 2203:81d5772a89e6: set default paymode to pay now
Latipah Abdul Rashid
11:41 Revision 2202:a8c98858641d: Remove symbol checking for beni name validation
Low Jelson
11:39 Revision 2201:3b74c7ad68af
Chang Grace

March 31, 2010

19:05 Revision 2200:eb4aef709760: SI-UAT-0310-SL003: SI Add dropdown list desc to be reflected as the h...
remove all unused "receipt.transaction.*";
ibsFtt*.jsp: display header, subHeader, explanation based on transactionTy...
Chang Grace
17:34 Revision 2199:3c9c3b11b2f6: SI-UAT-0310-SL001 - added cancel button for start date alert.
added datepicker settings for kfh_consumer SI maintenance jsp (intra n own)
billpayment maint page is not found.
Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:19 Revision 2198:299a404922d3: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-027 - change error msg for 'date' validation to '{0} ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
15:12 Revision 2197:ad270dd54777: change to sort SI History by Transaction ID
Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:55 Revision 2196:beb062ae5e27: IBTransferLimitConstant: changed all wording "One-Time" to "Open";
IBOwnTransferConfirmServices: removed scheduledDate which is unused;
IBOwnTransferResultsServices: review shuhaida's ...
Chang Grace

March 30, 2010

22:31 Revision 2195:54296b52d09e: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-002 - bene account: link for sample of account no len...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
19:51 Revision 2194:0429c18ff5c2: Modify to apply Print Receipt
Sarinah Darsy
19:01 Revision 2193:0fc389d1974b: Update SI FTT and Inter for apply receipt print and remove class for ...
Sarinah Darsy
18:46 Revision 2192:1959db77d825: Issue Log: SI-UAT-0310-SL002, modify startDateAlert() to change descr...
Chang Grace
18:22 Revision 2191:3e25a23cb544: Validation for interbank beneficiary name to accept @
Low Jelson
17:53 Revision 2190:b7fcbe9156d3: change l3 to 13
Low Jelson
17:21 Revision 2189:08556ca92fdd: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-022 -to accept 16-digit acc number length (credit car...
Cheang Danniell
15:57 Revision 2188:e82da22fe072: remove styleClass for radio button 'delIndex'
Chang Grace
15:23 Revision 2187:5e003099555e: changed all the "One-Time" to "Open"
Chang Grace
13:18 Revision 2186:8b8cae27a006: Remove the amount filter
Sarinah Darsy
12:03 Revision 2185:d124c4d19c89: add SIEditForm validation for all EditConfirmAction;
ibsSIMaintDetails.jsp: termination date is not required field, remove *;
remove unused import library;
Chang Grace

March 29, 2010

21:33 Revision 2184:741a8953e8ca: Update SI FTT and Inter
Sarinah Darsy
20:35 Revision 2183:678bc72dcea5: change description for interbank fund transfer
Vincent Devethas
19:01 Revision 2182:937c4955a3b2: SI modified on own & 3rd party
15:46 Revision 2181:3926d3d503a4: update for SI own & 3rd party (create/edit/delete)

March 28, 2010

22:42 Revision 2180:98f7285ddde4: Update SI FTT and Inter
Sarinah Darsy

March 26, 2010

16:32 Revision 2179:0b07c0c01ed5: - GenericIBGServicesImpl, IBInterbankTransferConfirmServices: cleanup...
- IBInterbankTransferResultsServices: cleanup code to revert back to use the same service code to check transfer limit Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:11 Revision 2178:8220aceda111: add checking for logging into IB_SI only if transfer is payMode!=pay ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:07 Revision 2177:760b812862a3: For Interbank
1)added BeneIDType field to: open trnfr, registered trnfr, SIedit, SIdelete
2)to cater if its a future payment (SI), ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:06 Revision 2176:b1b89515a861: For Interbank
1)added BeneIDType field to: open trnfr, registered trnfr, SIedit, SIdelete
2)to cater if its a future payment (SI), ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid

March 25, 2010

22:59 Revision 2175:47ab440828c6: add constants for ibg fund & charges transfer
Vincent Devethas
22:58 Revision 2174:578ca0433cae: add messages for ibg fund & charges transfer
Vincent Devethas
15:37 Revision 2173:173d1085920e: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-033 - Wrong error msg: TAC empty/less than 6 digit/in...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
10:31 Revision 2172:a1e419d40b62: REVERT back to remove the default disabled function -> 'disable the t...
Latipah Abdul Rashid

March 24, 2010

01:34 Revision 2171:fec18892c1a6: Update SI FTT and Inter
Sarinah Darsy
00:28 Revision 2170:6db44256ea8e: additional message "max 20 characters"
Vincent Devethas
23:52 Revision 2169:c678a14795cc: add class color "blue"
Vincent Devethas
23:45 Revision 2168:6709ba9f4da6: add max length message
Vincent Devethas
23:30 Revision 2167:64b304da7976: add transfer limit for interbank transfer
Vincent Devethas
23:30 Revision 2166:ff8a83f01da5: add transfer limit for interbank transfer
Vincent Devethas
21:05 Revision 2165:735b42ee29d5: Update FTT and Interbank SI
Sarinah Darsy
20:53 Revision 2164:95a3b19545ce: disable the text field when the radio button is not selected
Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:49 Revision 2163:1a10bf6e60ca: C001 - duplicate 'RM0.00' in SMS TAC msg
Latipah Abdul Rashid
18:16 Revision 2162:d75e662dfbd3: Rename SI jsp files
Sarinah Darsy
12:05 Revision 2161:622cd9bf4eb2: modify startDateAlert(), check type of PayMode, if is hidden type (fr...
Chang Grace

March 23, 2010

00:45 Revision 2160:5236868e942d: FTT Maintainance Edit and Delete
Sarinah Darsy
23:51 Revision 2159:97bb230b0984: Change payment description length to 20
Low Jelson
16:03 Revision 2158:020b635fe581: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
15:43 Revision 2157:c196afdc8033: use generic method to get ServiceName to store to DB
Latipah Abdul Rashid
14:40 Revision 2156:223471376833: -added onclick="clearSIFields (this.form);" to radiobutton to ibsSiPa...
-added extra js function to call when onclick="startDateAlert(this.form);" to submit button for SI use
(the message ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid

March 22, 2010

21:04 Revision 2155:1483e587894b: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
17:58 Revision 2154:c7884b37b3fc: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
11:50 Revision 2153:6fb14e2eeb86: add si feature and fix bug (when bill account no is null, put "-")

March 21, 2010

23:35 Revision 2152:260e1cac9764: - fix to set effective date = current date, if futureTrans flag is false
- fix to set default value for payment mode, if futureTrans flag is false Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:47 Revision 2151:9a222404a34e: fix bug on validation (acc no on bvmc) for bill payment open details
22:25 Revision 2150:f21d5cc03e4a: modified the m_boDeleteSIIndicator under logSIdetail
22:20 Revision 2149:1206abec8927: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
22:14 Revision 2148:13e899027e9c: modified the m_boDeleteSIIndicator under logSIdetail
22:13 Revision 2147:11190aa98666: modified the m_boDeleteSIIndicator under logSIdetail
21:24 Revision 2146:596d21164d5a: fix for logSIDetail
Latipah Abdul Rashid
21:05 Revision 2145:efa40e0deba1: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
21:01 Revision 2144:1716b996a96f: S.I for Consumer
Sarinah Darsy
18:21 Revision 2143:f95762e8a940: to add changes accroding to logSIDetail method
17:29 Revision 2142:5b9a25b8eb53: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-030 - Amended Blacklist error message
Cheang Danniell
15:11 Revision 2141:d119802dd21f
Sarinah Darsy
13:37 Revision 2140:bb9f8320dda5
13:35 Revision 2139:7742d91916aa
13:31 Revision 2138:b9ef9d916039
13:31 Revision 2137:71ac66c7cbf3
13:31 Revision 2136:819f90372688
13:30 Revision 2135:38cca7f15768
13:30 Revision 2134:bb241f017f6e
13:30 Revision 2133:31286eda2056
13:30 Revision 2132:d2d0a22724fa
13:30 Revision 2129:e13e653e4d20
13:30 Revision 2130:5d4b41933d72
13:30 Revision 2131:ff33d113e2cb
13:29 Revision 2128:3bf1c4c698ab
13:24 Revision 2127:b87f77de3095
13:24 Revision 2126:e831382e3d5c
13:23 Revision 2124:0ab53bb18dc8
13:23 Revision 2125:768c92c1c977
13:23 Revision 2123:58a67c232285
13:23 Revision 2120:2f0579129159
13:23 Revision 2121:9f8ac76231e8
13:23 Revision 2122:1afbe0c165bb
13:22 Revision 2116:ac3a1a960129
13:22 Revision 2118:6154ec45206f
13:22 Revision 2117:3a6063d5b440
13:22 Revision 2119:24aa152f0cbf
13:21 Revision 2115:ed985a4699ec
13:21 Revision 2114:540390cdcaa0
13:21 Revision 2113:131bc8d82be7
13:21 Revision 2112:562bf3eaa2dd
13:21 Revision 2111:eb65a84b67b4
13:21 Revision 2110:137aa4c51e59

March 20, 2010

18:57 Revision 2109:12ebd40fc724: remove si_indicator from IB_MOBILE_RELOAD in; add condi...
16:10 Revision 2108:af18285ae65f: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-029 - added application resource for checkbox require...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
15:49 Revision 2107:91ef7214fa7e: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-029 - added application resource for checkbox require...
Cheang Danniell
14:08 Revision 2106:1a3c47772c9d: Interbank maintenance edit confirm page to cater for TAC
Low Jelson
11:23 Revision 2105:e9209475eb5c: rename package
Latipah Abdul Rashid

March 19, 2010

17:28 Revision 2104:d2168dd90605: MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-021 - Bene Name allow coma and fullstop
MEPS-IBG-UAT-10-022 - Accept 16-digit acc number length (credit card number) for various banks Cheang Danniell
11:51 Revision 2103:311798851012: - added Interbank module for consumer
- applied IBG to interbank
- added blacklist checking for interbank
- cleanup
Latipah Abdul Rashid
11:49 Revision 2102:8f944fb4cb11: - added Interbank module for consumer
- applied IBG to interbank
- added blacklist checking for interbank
- cleanup
Latipah Abdul Rashid

March 18, 2010

20:12 Revision 2101:f5171c92da96: SI History

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