
From November 12, 2008 to December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

23:17 Revision 50:fd54b07247b7: added log and receipt
Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:48 Revision 49:98e1e43d3da2
22:23 Revision 48:c32c1ea1f0a1: used IBSessionObjects.REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS in session instead from controller
Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:12 Revision 47:4144e9160aaf: added IBSessionObjects.REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS to session
Latipah Abdul Rashid
22:04 Revision 46:d11614c732e0
Chang Grace
21:44 Revision 45:fb81339203e3: removed unnecessary code for receipt
Latipah Abdul Rashid
21:35 Revision 44:b5e2fdfe47f7: removed unnecessary code for receipt
Latipah Abdul Rashid
21:33 Revision 43:3f4431309eb7: applied htmlEL:button for print receipt button
Latipah Abdul Rashid
21:17 Revision 42:05254c59a15f: for getReceiptLink(), use REQUEST_URL instead of SERVER_PATH_VALUE + CO...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
21:00 Revision 41:5e078a956569: added log
Latipah Abdul Rashid
20:59 Revision 40:00572a176680: Add request url
Low Jelson
20:33 Revision 39:d973b31a94fa: for getTransactionId(), use getDataByBoundQuery() instead of getDataByQ...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
20:31 Revision 38:b8270b3a0348: additional configuration added
20:31 Revision 37:ec872a7cc0e6: added application form jsp
20:30 Revision 36:cf131afaea1e: new application form service added
19:44 Revision 35:945af158a689: added some constants for use to log in DB
Latipah Abdul Rashid
19:37 Revision 34:e907a222426d: applied class 'balance1' into 'name' at TD
Latipah Abdul Rashid
19:10 Revision 33:65cc7c26662c: Added new method to create TCD account number
Tan Lee Yong
19:09 Revision 32:27e537a478b4: Clean up
Tan Lee Yong
18:51 Revision 31:9723f3a30a74: add of some configuration
18:50 Revision 30:e381aa07c409: change of path name
18:49 Revision 29:0ebd2c651966: new link created (pop up window)
18:49 Revision 28:dabc29df2715: jsp of application form has been added
18:48 Revision 27:1482ebf07b11: service for application form
18:46 Revision 26:bce7ea7098df: validateFormAction for the application validation
18:45 Revision 25:4c855476962e: new resources added
18:15 Revision 24:efb18b75162b: add EmptyLayoutTemplate.jsp
Chang Grace
18:14 Revision 23:d1d370cd5cde: change the html:hidden to htmlEL:hidden
17:57 Revision 22:f67f6f60cb5d: changed to use from constants: formBeanName and viewBeanName
Latipah Abdul Rashid
17:42 Revision 21:53e4b03595a2
Low Jelson
16:58 Revision 19:35c17362737c: fix receipt Map to for the transaction Type
16:58 Revision 20:305bd2389817: fix bugs
16:54 Revision 18:2cb9cae4e3fe: modify, ib101.youHaveLoginAs
Chang Grace
16:51 Revision 17:61f228992d6b: added receiptLink and receiptMap
Latipah Abdul Rashid
16:49 Revision 16:cbaa83d86cc0: added receipt.transaction.type
Latipah Abdul Rashid
16:44 Revision 15:5b0c414dd0ab: add transDate, transTime for Results page
Chang Grace
16:10 Revision 14:24e360021628
Chang Grace
15:40 Revision 13:7593b660b5fc: modify TransId
Chang Grace
14:23 Revision 12:5df123401ee0: modified TransactionType
Latipah Abdul Rashid
13:45 Revision 11:2f5b0903328f: update IndividualLayoutTemplate.jsp, ibsAppform.jsp
Chang Grace
13:31 Revision 10:1cadeebd16e3: modify taglib
Chang Grace
13:26 Revision 9:c974c1fadda4: add IndividualLayoutTemplate.jsp
Chang Grace
12:40 Revision 8:6bc65f44d6a6
Latipah Abdul Rashid
12:37 Revision 7:ea3fe974daa1: fix cheque services bugs
12:17 Revision 6:c011d236a643: IBForgotUsernameDetailsServices: add checking for account never been reg...
Chang Grace
11:37 Revision 5:c5c7b47b8c9d: changed System.out.println() to IBLogger.writelog()
Latipah Abdul Rashid
11:36 Revision 4:94616b5ff112: added comment:
For date time format, must follow the below format:
dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss
Transaction date : 10 Dec 20...
Latipah Abdul Rashid
10:11 Revision 3:e6d9a63068b1: remove and comment second last line

December 10, 2008

22:11 Revision 2:c24851864de8: commit changes in IBUtils.jar, add new service info constant for fund tr...
21:32 Revision 1:8fcd6db9d7a6: Initial import.
Low Jelson
21:30 Revision 0:026d4d7cae98: Initial import.
Low Jelson

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