
Tracker  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Task - 9 9
Bug - 22 22
Support - - -
Change - - -
Feature - - -
Follow Up - - -
Migration - - -

Priority  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High - - -
Normal - 31 31
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Hafizudin MD - - -
Tan Lee Yong - 1 1

Author  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Hafizudin MD - 1 1
Tan Lee Yong - 4 4

Version  Zoom_in

No data to display

Subproject  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Banker's Cheque Application - 33 33
Demand Draft Application - 45 45
Deployment Staging - 2 2
Remittance Application Enquiry - 10 10
Remittance Application Report - 6 6

Category  Zoom_in

No data to display