
From July 10, 2010 to August 08, 2010

August 05, 2010

16:35 Task #259 (Closed - End of life cycle): SMS Notification Support for SI
Completed, fixed several bugs and implementation design Wong Bernard

July 23, 2010

17:56 Task #259: SMS Notification Support for SI
Please work with Grace and Latipah on the SI testing. Tan Lee Yong
17:23 Task #259: SMS Notification Support for SI
# Only testing is required. Need instruction on testing in SI. Wong Bernard
11:25 Task #178: Code Review
Please update the due date and/or status Tan Lee Yong
10:48 Task #259: SMS Notification Support for SI
Please update the due date and/or status Tan Lee Yong

July 15, 2010

17:45 Task #178 (Development / Work In Progress): Code Review
Normal transaction - done.
Pending for SI transaction which executed from scheduler.
Chang Grace

July 14, 2010

14:16 Task #237 (Closed - End of life cycle): Migration & Testing to Staging
All migration completed last week as there has been no new changes since. However UAT has been push back to August, s... Wong Bernard
14:01 Task #262 (Work Completed-End life cycle): UAT Monitoring for SMS Notification
Monitor internal/external UAT until UAT sign off
UAT 2/8 - 13/8
UAT Signoff 20/
Tan Lee Yong
14:00 Task #242: Migration Plan for SMS Notification & Remittance Application Form
Pre migration 23/8 - 27/8
GO LIVE 28/8
Tan Lee Yong
13:58 Task #178: Code Review
Please update this task on the plan Tan Lee Yong

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