
From August 15, 2014 to September 13, 2014

September 11, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:01 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4674 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Code Merging to reflect to the latest
Finish code merging on login and account enquiry services, remaining still work in progress.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

September 09, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:11 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4499 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - FTT Maintenance
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
11:53 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4674 (Work Completed-End life cycle): BII RMBP: Code Merging to reflect to the latest
Tan Lee Yong
11:52 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4657: BII RMBP: Prepare Internal Testing Environment for BII RIB Web Application
what is the update about this? Tan Lee Yong
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:15 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4501 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer Maintenance
Hi Nurdin,
Development done for this module, please refer attachment integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

September 08, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:54 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi Nurdin,
Please clarify the response you get from server, because the response i getting from server just now as...
Ngoh Chee Onn
11:58 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi Chee Onn
categoryMap inside *executeOpenSelectCategory* is empty.
M Nurdin Norazan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:14 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4497 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Maintenance
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

September 04, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 12:16 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4495 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - 3rd Party Account Maintenance Services
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for the Integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

September 03, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 13:48 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4511 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Unlink account services
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 13:48 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4510 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Link Account Services
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 09:54 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500: BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
For the "*processFavTelegraphicTransferResult* ", please ensure the parameter "*sessionId*" you passing...
Ngoh Chee Onn

September 02, 2014

17:18 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500: BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
fromAccountMap is null inside processOpenTelegraphicTransferDetails
M Nurdin Norazan
16:21 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
serviceInfoBean is null inside *processOpenTelegraphicTransferPreDetails*
"responseCode": "99",...
M Nurdin Norazan
15:34 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500: BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
I got problem when I try to invoke *processFavTelegraphicTransferResult* . I got this result even usin...
M Nurdin Norazan

August 29, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 15:31 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4508 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Profile Services
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this module done, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
14:28 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4657 (Work Completed-End life cycle): BII RMBP: Prepare Internal Testing Environment for BI...
To setup test environment for the Web Browser RIB Tan Lee Yong
14:17 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4656 (Work Completed-End life cycle): BII RMBP: Prepare for RMBP Internal Testing Environment
To get ready test environment Tan Lee Yong
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:14 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4496: BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Fund Transfer Services
Hi Nurdin,
Where you check the mockup data from database? What you means by inconsistent?
For the response you sh...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:02 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494: BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
Please ensure the which URL you invoke, inside my document only got *processOpenThirdPartyResult* and ...
Ngoh Chee Onn
12:41 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4496: BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Fund Transfer Services
Hi Chee Onn
I try to invoke processFavInterbankTransferConfirm, it give me null results. When I check your mockup ...
M Nurdin Norazan
10:43 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
I got this error when invoking *proceedThirdPartyTransferResult*
M Nurdin Norazan

August 27, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:52 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4488: BII RMBP: Server - Login Access
Hi Nurdin,
For the login welcome module, i already add in a response which is "sessionId".
The sessionId you must...
Ngoh Chee Onn
14:45 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4626: BII RMBP: Web Integration 1
-Completed Mobile Reload Module | Tested Ong Wei Kuan

August 26, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:19 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4506 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Mobile Reload Services
Hi Nurdin,
Development done for this module, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:40 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4502: BII RMBP: Server - Remittance Fund Transfer Services
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:39 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4498: BII RMBP: Server - FTT Services
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:39 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500: BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:38 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4496: BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Fund Transfer Services
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:38 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494: BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:37 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4493: BII RMBP: Server - Own Account Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
Add in request TAC services for this module, please refer attachment document in yellow highlighted for...
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 25, 2014

18:43 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4626: BII RMBP: Web Integration 1
-Tested Mobile Reload.
Ong Wei Kuan
14:13 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4626: BII RMBP: Web Integration 1
-Add profile service.
-Add link account maintenance service.
-Add remittance service.
Ong Wei Kuan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:56 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4498: BII RMBP: Server - FTT Services
Hi nurdin,
This all parameter you can get from Details LLD Page which is selected by the user and i already pass t...
Ngoh Chee Onn
11:15 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4498: BII RMBP: Server - FTT Services
Hi Chee Onn
Where I can find these parameters for *processFavThirdPartyConfirm*?
identicalStatus, beneCitizensh...
M Nurdin Norazan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:13 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4504 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Special Services
Hi Nurdin,
Development for this services done, please refer attachment for the integration API document.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:12 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi nurdin,
Please refer attachment for the latest integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 10:10 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4496: BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Fund Transfer Services
Hi nurdin,
For the toAccountMap inside the details response is "restFilteredInterRegisteredAccounts", you also ne...
Ngoh Chee Onn
09:43 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4496 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Interbank Account Fund Transfer Se...
Hi Chee Onn
I can't found *toAccountMap* inside *processFavInterbankTransferDetail*. Please advice.
M Nurdin Norazan

August 21, 2014

17:27 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi Chee Onn
Both path are same for resultpage.
M Nurdin Norazan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 16:48 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi Nurdin,
Please refer attachment document for the changes below:
1)Add in Module 4.3: Request Tac for the servi...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 15:02 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi Nurdin,
Please refer attachment for the latest integration API call.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
13:48 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503: BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Both path are same. Refer to file attachment. M Nurdin Norazan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:32 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
Please ensure the response code you get is successful(00) before you get the value FromAccountMap and r...
Ngoh Chee Onn
11:11 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4500 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Telegraphic Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
*FromAccountMap* and *restFilteredInterRegisteredAccounts* are null inside *Telegraphic Fund Transfer ...
M Nurdin Norazan

August 19, 2014

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:51 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494: BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
For the any array response, you may use jquery method below to loop it and get the key data and the val...
Ngoh Chee Onn
16:50 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494: BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
TQ for your clarification. For favourite interbank fund transfer, is it ok if array key is string inst...
M Nurdin Norazan
11:12 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4627: BII RMBP: Web Integration 2
Testing on the modules. Yap Kah Yan
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 09:28 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Nurdin,
For the screen shot you shown is the rib demo data, that is not real and from account number is the use...
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 18, 2014

18:27 Maybank BII RMBP Bug #4494 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Third Party Account Fund Transfer
Hi Chee Onn
For Third Party Fund Transfer Registered Account Details Page
From screenshot below, there only one...
M Nurdin Norazan
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:05 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4507 (Development / Work In Progress): BII RMBP: Server - Mobile Reload Maintenance Services
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 11:10 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4503 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Bill Payment Services
Hi nurdin,
Development finish, you may refer to attachment for the integration API document.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn

August 15, 2014

18:12 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4626: BII RMBP: Web Integration 1
Done enquiry service.
Done Bill Payment Service.
Done Special Payment Service.
Done Bill Payment Maintenance Service.
Ong Wei Kuan
16:25 Maybank BII RMBP Task #4493 (Finished Development): BII RMBP: Server - Own Account Fund Transfer
Completed M Nurdin Norazan

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