
From July 04, 2017 to August 02, 2017

August 02, 2017

19:49 Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 19:00 Task #7628 (Finished Development): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Hi Gabby,
Please test again with the new patch in email and please help to deploy the restful.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
18:57 Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
18:54 Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn please check Tommy Arryandy
18:27 Task #7637 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Labels and tag are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks. Kok Ken Wong
18:25 Task #7633 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Label and tags are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
17:47 Task #7639 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks. Kok Ken Wong
17:46 Task #7634 (Finished Development): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
17:44 Task #7632 (Finished Development): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Labels are updated. Fixes will be compiled and deploy together with other tasks Kok Ken Wong
17:40 Task #7631 (Development / Work In Progress): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Label "Pembayaran" was following M2U Rib module, need further declaration of which references to follow Kok Ken Wong

August 01, 2017

Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:34 Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 18:34 Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 17:04 Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please check the exchange rate return from host is what and please check M2U whether show the same resul...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:41 Task #7643 (Work Completed-End life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Prepaid, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:41 Task #7642 (Work Completed-End life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Non Taglis, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 16:40 Task #7641 (User Acceptance Test): PLN Postpaid - Test Result
Please create test result document for PLN Postpaid, together with picture.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:44 Task #7634: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Update Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" / "Non Electric Billl Information" shall be mixed with c...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:44 Task #7637: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Update Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" / "Non Electric Billl Information" shall be mixed with c...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 15:41 Task #7632: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Hi Ken,
- PLN Billing Information / Informasi Tagihan PLN shall be shown in mix Upper and Lower case lett...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
15:40 Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn attached SS & Test Data Tommy Arryandy
15:36 Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee onn atached SS & Test Data Tommy Arryandy
15:33 Task #7639: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Chee on ss attached
registration number => Registration No
nomor registrasi => No Registrasi
Tommy Arryandy
15:25 Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Chee Onn test data and screenshoot as attached
Tommy Arryandy
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 15:06 Task #7639: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Hi Gabby,
Please share the test result. As i know in step 2 only got 'No Registrasi'. I cannot found the label 'Re...
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:58 Task #7636: PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:57 Task #7635: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=1966&size=24 14:57 Task #7630: PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Hi Gabby,
Please share the screenshot and testing data.
Thank you.
Ngoh Chee Onn
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:54 Task #7639 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Expected Result:
- Registration Number / No Registrasi shall be Registration No / No Registrasi
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:36 Task #7637 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" shall be mixed with capital and small letter, center aligned.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:22 Task #7636 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Exchange Rate
- At step 4, "Nominal" and "Nominal Didebit" are SGD 1,006,000.00
Expected Result:
- "Nominal" shall not...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:18 Task #7635 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
- At step 4, "Nominal" and "Nominal Didebit" are SGD 1,006,000.00
Expected Result:
- "Nominal" shall not...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 14:04 Task #7634 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Non Taglis - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Expected Results:
- "Informasi Non Tagihan Listrik" shall be mixed with capital and small letter, center aligned.
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:53 Task #7633: PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Expected results:
- Nomor referensi shall not be in the screen (probably need to check with user/BRD/FSD ?)
- Label...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:48 Task #7633 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 4
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:45 Task #7632 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 3
Wrong Indonesian Label:
Expected Results:
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:31 Task #7631 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Postpaid - Incorrect Screen at Step 2
Issue: Label shown as "Pembayaran"
Expected Result: Label shall be shown as "Nama Biller"
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 13:26 Task #7630 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid - Incorrect Exchange Rate
Issue: PLN Prepaid amount is IDR 23,000.00. However, when debiting from from foreign currency, the debited am...
Rayvandy Gabbytian
Avatar?id=2607&size=24 12:52 Task #7628 (Closed - End of life cycle): PLN Prepaid Token Price Sorting
Dear Amy,
Issue: PLN Prepaid token price is not sorted properly. (screen cap attached)
In M2U is it sorted. (scre...
Rayvandy Gabbytian

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