
From August 01, 2013 to August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

16:54 Task #3423 (Development / Work In Progress): Prebind Token
Hartanto Boby
15:26 Task #3544: Token management: unbind token release to company or release to Provider
Release to Provider means release the token back to maybank
Release to company means release the token back to that ...
14:57 Task #3544 (Closed - End of life cycle): Token management: unbind token release to company or rel...
Token management: unbind token release to company or release to bank Anonymous
14:56 Task #3534: Token management: Search Criteria
Token Management
' ----- Add Search criteria - Assign status: (dropdown list Available, Assign, Booked)
14:53 Task #3535: Customer Enquiry: to add 2 addresses
Customer Enquiry not company enquiry Anonymous
14:29 Task #3543 (Closed - End of life cycle): Source code maintainance
to maintain 1 source code , 1 ear file, and config file will not include in ear file
14:28 Task #3542 (Closed - End of life cycle): Deployment services:
"Deployment services:
i. HSM
ii.Pin Mailer
iii.Pin Letter
14:26 Task #3540: HSM LMK
Waiting for Maybank to provide 2 new command:
1. Pin Verification
2. Pin Translation
14:13 Task #3541 (Work Completed-End life cycle): RCAS Functional Training preparation
To prepare the training ppt Anonymous
14:11 Task #3540 (Dropped-End of life cycle): HSM LMK
HSM LMK: pending Bank provide the information. Anonymous
14:09 Task #3539 (Closed - End of life cycle): User Linking: Customer Enquiry :
a) -Able to link between 'Main user' and 'Virtual user' once User Linking has been setup. (Duplicate at both instance... Anonymous
14:08 Task #3538 (Closed - End of life cycle): User Linking: company: add prefix
User Linking:
'----- Company :corporate creation:Add prefix (using provider e.g. Malaysia as MY follow by corp ID)
14:07 Task #3537 (Dropped-End of life cycle): HSM - round robin
HSM - round robin
'----- to utilize the 2 production HSM by doing the round robin approach"
14:06 Task #3536 (Closed - End of life cycle): Pin Mailer screen
Pin Mailer screen
'-To add, 'user id', 'company id' and' date and time 'to know which corporate Admin ID request to ...
14:02 Task #3535 (Closed - End of life cycle): Customer Enquiry: to add 2 addresses
Company Enquiry
'----- RCAS will maintain 2 type of addresses (primary and correspondent) in Customer Enquiry. User ...
13:30 Task #3534 (Work Completed-End life cycle): Token management: Search Criteria
Token Management
' ----- Add Search criteria - Assign status: (dropdown list -Available, Assign, Booked)
'----- tok...
13:27 Task #3533 (Closed - End of life cycle): Syncronisation between RCAS Global/MY and RCAS ID: Real ...
Database update
' ---- real time update (password, reset password)
'---- Batch update (global id - use for user lin...

August 29, 2013

18:47 Task #3523 (Closed - End of life cycle): Logo - to change from Maybank logo to Bii Logo
2 area:
Login page
token listing export - PDF format. change the title also. refer to fsd.
pending for finalized t...
18:43 Task #3521 (Closed - End of life cycle): Company - Search and Create Group - city and prefecture
To standardize address:
to add on city and prefecture under search: organization detail,

to add on city and pr...

August 27, 2013

18:50 Task #3518 (Closed - End of life cycle): RCAS Phase 4 - FSD and SDS
To prepare the FSD and SDS for RCAS Phase 4 Anonymous

August 15, 2013

15:00 Task #3423 (Closed - End of life cycle): Prebind Token
RCMS now will open the pre-bind token function, where from RCMS be able to request from RCAS number of token to be pr... Anonymous

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