
Tracker  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Task - 8 8
Bug - - -
Enhancement - - -
Support - - -
Change - - -
Feature - 5 5
Follow Up - - -
Migration - - -

Priority  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High - - -
Normal - 13 13
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Bramantyo Pujo Wiyono - - -
Ngoh Chee Onn - - -
Ngoh Chee Ping - - -
Nurul Akmal - 1 1
Tan Lee Yong - - -

Author  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Bramantyo Pujo Wiyono - - -
Ngoh Chee Onn - - -
Ngoh Chee Ping - - -
Nurul Akmal - - -
Tan Lee Yong - - -

Version  Zoom_in

No data to display

Subproject  Zoom_in

open closed Total
Industry Fraud - 31 31
PayNet Support - - -
PayNet SIT Log - 160 160
PayNet UAT Log - - -
Phase 2 Enhancement - 94 94
RPP FSD - 1 1
RPP Test Script - 6 6
System Internal / Integration Test (SIT) - 74 74

Category  Zoom_in

No data to display