Bug #1027

IBAM - RIB Transaction Enquiry

Added by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:July 12, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:August 15, 2011
Assignee:Norhaidah Md Dasuki% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:10.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:7.00 hours


bug report

RIB Transaction Enquiry

RIB Transaction Enquiry - search
1) paste "01/01/200x" into Transaction Date From , Transaction Date To , Effective Date From & Effective Date To
2) User Alias should not accept special character except space
3) no validation for Transaction Amount From, Transaction Amount To
4) get error page when search by - Transaction Amount From, Transaction Amount To
5) get error page - when click "last" hyperlink at pagination


#1 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Cheang Danniell to Hafizudin MD
  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

-add validations for all fields
-add missing validation.xml
-fix unsync datatype in ibss core

#2 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing

change status to internal testing

#3 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Wijayanti Nitya

Tested by hafiz
Status failed

bug report

RIB Transaction Enquiry - search
1) please change this error msg - User Alias is not valid - to be more specific

#4 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 60 to 80

-fix bugs reported
-fix datepicker to dd/mm/yyyy

#5 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Wijayanti Nitya to Hafizudin MD

change to internal testing

#6 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to User Acceptance Test
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Tested by hafiz
Status passed

#7 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Hafizudin MD to Wijayanti Nitya

#8 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from User Acceptance Test to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 100 to 80

new bug report 05/08/2011
1) i found at Technical_Specification_Documentation & Authentication_Technical_Specifications - User Alias is alphanumeric
2) Click on 20110803000000002444(Open Bill Payment).. see - Bill Account No : Wee .. Bill Account No should be account no
3) Click on 20110729000000002206(Registered Intrabank Transfer).. see - Transaction To Account No : bene a .. transaction To Account No should be account no
4) Click on 20110729000000002206(Registered Intrabank Transfer).. see - To Account : bene a .. To Account should be account no
5) why at 20110729000000002206 Registered Intrabank Transfer we need Transaction From Account No & Transaction To Account No ... To Account & From Account.. Amount & Amount... i thinnk those is same
6) Click on 20110621000000008148(Registered Intrabank Transfer).. null field name
7) Click on 20110726000000001998(One-time Intrabank Transfer).. see - Transaction To Account No : bene a .. transaction To Account No should be account no
8) Click on 20110726000000001998(One-time Intrabank Transfer).. see - To Account : bene a .. To Account should be account no
9) why at 20110726000000001998 One-time Intrabank Transfer we need Transaction From Account No & Transaction To Account No ... To Account & From Account.. Amount & Amount... i thinnk those is same
10) Click on 20110805000000002528(Own Account Transfer).. see - Transaction To Account No : bene a .. transaction To Account No should be account no
11) Click on 20110805000000002528(Own Account Transfer).. see - To Account : bene a .. To Account should be account no
12) why at 20110805000000002528 Own Account Transfer we need Transaction From Account No & Transaction To Account No ... To Account & From Account.. Amount & Amount... i thinnk those is same
13) Click on 20110621000000008209(Registered Interbank Transfer).. null field name
14) Click on 20110726000000002033(Registered Interbank Transfer ...Amount : 100.000000... the format should be like this 100.00
15) Click on 20110621000000008181(One-time Interbank Transfer).. null field name
16) Intrabank Beneficiary Maintenance - Delete... why have delete & successful status.. we on onlu have successful & unsuccessful when search
17) Interbank Beneficiary Account Deregistration... why use delete status.. & not use successful status ... we on onlu have successful & unsuccessful when search
18) Click on 20110726000000002079(Registered Bill Payment ...Amount : 100.000000... the format should be like this 100.00
19) Bill Payment Favourite Payee Delete ... why use delete status.. & not use successful status ... we on onlu have successful & unsuccessful

#9 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

cannot check these transaction type.. no record to check
1) registration
2) Change password
3) bill payment favourite patee enquiry

#10 Updated by Wijayanti Nitya about 13 years ago

  • Due date set to August 15, 2011
  • Estimated time set to 10.00

fix bugs for number:
1) change validation to alphaNumeric

2, 3, 7, 16, 17, 19) this is because the data in the DB is not correct. Tranx enquiry only display data gathered from db. So it’s not application bugs.

Solution: Need to sync with rib side, when it tried to save the details into ib_user_transaction_history after the transaction, so that when displaying in transaction enquiry at admin module, it shows the right output.

4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15) The duplication is due to the data that shown inside detailsMap. No need to show detailsMap if there is a redundancy.

8, 10, 11) To account is already an account no

14, 18) fix the money formatting

#11 Updated by Norhaidah Md Dasuki about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Wijayanti Nitya to Cheang Danniell

#12 Updated by Cheang Danniell about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Cheang Danniell to Norhaidah Md Dasuki

I'm unsure why is it assigned back to me.
The last update/fixes was Nitya on all the issues raised.
I assume that it's a retest so I changed it to Internal Testing else it should be changed to UAT if status is pass.


#13 Updated by Hafizudin MD about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Internal Testing to User Acceptance Test
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

tested by hafiz
status passed

#14 Updated by Tan Lee Yong almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from User Acceptance Test to Work Completed-End life cycle

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