Task #10478

3.1 BIB>Company Enquiry> Company details

Added by Stephanie Sufrapto almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Status:Development / Work In ProgressStart date:November 28, 2019
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Bramantyo Pujo Wiyono% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


a) Add selection of Module Type when create company:
o Transaction Module
o Inquiry Module
Note: IB will not do any checking whether company is with active token when updating this field
b) For existing company before the patch, to perform DB update to add Module Type.
o Company with Active Token, set to Transaction Module
o Company Without Active Token, set to Inquiry Module
c) Allow to edit “Single User / Multiple Approver” selection
o When updating this field (from Single User to Multiple User, vice versa, existing User(s) under the company will be deleted and Bank Admin is required to create new user for the company.
d) Allow to edit “Allow Viewer” selection
e) Make “Company Email Address” not mandatory
f) Extend length of “Office Phone No.” to 20 digits

QUERY ALTER & UPDATE MODUE IF TOKEN EXSIST.sql (1.14 KB) Bramantyo Pujo Wiyono, November 28, 2019 12:17


#1 Updated by Bramantyo Pujo Wiyono almost 5 years ago

#2 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian over 4 years ago

  • Project changed from (Deleted) to CR19002 - IBAM Enhancement CMS

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