Task #1281

Daily fund price for 24 November

Added by Nor Shuhaida Subri almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Closed - End of life cycleStart date:November 25, 2011
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Nor Shuhaida Subri% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


User upload file date 24-Nov.
But still display 8-Aug.

noname.jpg (74.5 KB) Nor Shuhaida Subri, November 25, 2011 18:27

UT_24-Nov-11.csv Magnifier (2.71 KB) Nor Shuhaida Subri, November 25, 2011 18:27

File.log (1.92 MB) Nor Shuhaida Subri, November 25, 2011 18:27

untitled.JPG (377 KB) Nor Shuhaida Subri, December 02, 2011 14:24

untitled2.JPG (337 KB) Nor Shuhaida Subri, December 02, 2011 14:24


#1 Updated by Nor Shuhaida Subri almost 13 years ago

  • File untitled.JPG added
  • File untitled2.JPG added
  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

From the log file given I understand that yesterday's file UT_24-Nov-11.csv is not found under /export/home/bvadmin/shared/unit_trust/ directory. (Refer image untitled.JPG)
That why the database cannot be updated with the data of date 24-Nov-2011.

The last file that can be found is UT_08-Aug-11.csv. (Refer image untitled2.JPG)

The next day:-

User uploaded the file at 1pm.
But still not yet updated in database.
Check on cronjob
The scheduler run at 12 00 00

User ask to change the cronjob time to 3 PM.
Will provide a migration plan to IT to change the cronjob time.

#2 Updated by Nor Shuhaida Subri over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Closed - End of life cycle
  • % Done changed from 10 to 100

Change the cronjob time from 12 00 to 15 00.
Migration successfully done on 19-01-2012

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