Task #1314

Account Details

Added by Low Jelson almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Internal TestingStart date:December 08, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:December 19, 2011
Assignee:Low Jelson% Done:


Category:-Spent time:9.00 hours
Target version:-


CA/SA/TA Account Details (Non Financial message) [2602]
Loan Account Details (Non Financial message) [7600]
FD Account Details (Non Financial message) [3505]

CASATAAccountDetailServices-2602.txt Magnifier (171 KB) Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12

LoanAccountDetailsServices-7600.txt Magnifier (43.9 KB) Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12

FDAccountDetailsServices-3505.txt Magnifier (128 KB) Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12


#1 Updated by Almasi Moein almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

CA/SA/TA Account Details (Non Financial message) [2602] - implemented
Loan Account Details (Non Financial message) [7600] - implemented

Amended the TCP/IP header, DSP header, MBase Header and ABCS header

#2 Updated by Almasi Moein almost 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 60 to 80

FD Account Details (Non Financial message) [3505] - implemented

#3 Updated by Almasi Moein almost 13 years ago

Updated the scenario number mapping for CASATA, Loan, FD

#4 Updated by Almasi Moein almost 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 70

The status is set to 70% due to not being tested, the remaining 30% considered for the testing of the message, this will status will be set for all other messages after being implemented which are not tested.

#5 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

2602: Tested. SA & TA account type are working, CA failed even with correct account. May be due to account status is 4 (NEW)
7600: Tested. Successful with positive testing but when insert an invalid account number, host still revert as successful and the account number return is different. SL is working on to fix
3505: Tested. Successful.

**Note: for FD account details are return in a list of FD items. Send in FD Group Number for FD Group's items. Details of FD Group can be found in each item which redundant for each record

#6 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

Transaction 3505 (FD inquiry) -> change field size of group balance (GRPBAL) (fix error found during unit test)

Changes already been applied. Will push and commit

#7 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Internal Testing
  • Assignee changed from Almasi Moein to Low Jelson
  • % Done changed from 70 to 90

Mockup has been updated based on the below documents:

CA/SA/TA Account Details (Non Financial message) [2602]
CASATAAccountDetailServices-2602.txt (170.6 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12

Loan Account Details (Non Financial message) [7600]
LoanAccountDetailsServices-7600.txt (43.9 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12

FD Account Details (Non Financial message) [3505]
FDAccountDetailsServices-3505.txt (128.1 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 10, 2012 18:12

#8 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

in FD Account Details (Non Financial message) [3505] one new field has been added by Jelson as I checked the history:

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