Task #1320

Standing Instruction

Added by Low Jelson almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Development / Work In ProgressStart date:December 08, 2011
Priority:NormalDue date:December 30, 2011
Assignee:Low Jelson% Done:


Category:-Spent time:13.00 hours
Target version:-


SI Inquiry (Non Financial message) [2504]
SI Detail (Non Financial message) [2604]
SI History (Non Financial message) [2530]
Add SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2704]
Update SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2804]
Cancel SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2904]

IB_MBASE_Message_format_20120213.xls (57 KB) Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 15:43

AFTInquiryServices-2504.txt Magnifier (67 KB) Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 16:57

AFTInquiryDetailsServices-2604.txt Magnifier (46.2 KB) Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 16:58

AFTHistoryServices-2530.txt Magnifier (82.9 KB) Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 17:48

AFTMaintenanceAddServices-2704.txt Magnifier (83.3 KB) Low Jelson, March 08, 2012 17:52

AFTMaintenanceDeleteServices-2904.txt Magnifier (41.2 KB) Low Jelson, March 08, 2012 17:52


#1 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

SI Inquiry (Non Financial message) [2504] - Implemented [Need to be tested]
[ESBAFTInquiryServices.java | ESBAFTInquiryServicesTest.java]

#2 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 30

SI Detail (Non Financial message) [2604] - Implemented Need to be Tested
For your reference : { ESBAFTInquiryDetailServices.java | ESBAFTInquiryDetailServicesTest.java }

#3 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 40

SI History (Non Financial message) [2530] - Implemented Require to be tested
For you reference : { ESBAFTHistoryInquiryServices.java | ESBAFTHistoryInquiryServicesTest.java }

#4 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 50

Add SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2704] - implemented require to be tested

for your reference : ESBAFTMaintenanceAddServices.java | ESBAFTMaintenanceAddServicesTest.java

#5 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 70

Update SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2804] - Implemented

FOR YOUR REFERENCE : ESBAFTMaintenanceUpdateServices.java | ESBAFTMaintenanceUpdateServicesTest.java

Cancel SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2904] - Implemented

FOR YOUR REFERENCE : ESBAFTMaintenanceDeleteServices.java | ESBAFTMaintenanceDeleteServicesTest.java

All the messages require to be tested and update the test cases with the request and expected response values

#6 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

Transaction 2530 (SI history inquiry) -> add new 4 fields

Please refer to attachment

#7 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

SI Inquiry (Non Financial message) [2504]
Tested - Successful

**Note: More record retrieval is having problem to retrieve the next available records, SL to fix

#8 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

SI Detail (Non Financial message) [2604]
Tested - Successful

#9 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

Transaction 2530 (SI history inquiry) -> add new 4 fields
4 new Fields added

Tested - successful

  • Note - Data is inaccurate when perform more record retrieval, will check with SL

#10 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Almasi Moein to Low Jelson
  • % Done changed from 70 to 80

SI Inquiry (Non Financial message) [2504]
AFTInquiryServices-2504.txt (67 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 16:57

SI Detail (Non Financial message) [2604]
AFTInquiryDetailsServices-2604.txt (46.2 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 16:58

SI History (Non Financial message) [2530]
AFTHistoryServices-2530.txt (82.9 KB) Delete Low Jelson, February 13, 2012 17:48

Please provide sample response for following message in order to update mock data:
  • Add SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2704]
  • Update SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2804]
  • Cancel SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2904]

#11 Updated by Low Jelson over 12 years ago

  • Add SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2704] - Successful
  • Update SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2804] - Failed (SL debugging)
  • Cancel SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2904] - Successful

Please note that there may be enhancement on SI module. Will update if necessary

#12 Updated by Almasi Moein over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Almasi Moein to Low Jelson

Updated mockup based on the below document:

AFTMaintenanceAddServices-2704.txt (83.3 KB) Delete Low Jelson, March 08, 2012 17:52

AFTMaintenanceDeleteServices-2904.txt (41.2 KB) Delete Low Jelson, March 08, 2012 17:52

Update SI Transaction (Non Financial message) [2804](pending for sample response)

Also available in: Atom PDF