Change #13382

CR2022006 _Potential CR

Added by Tan Lee Yong over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Status:Closed - End of life cycleStart date:January 05, 2023
Priority:NormalDue date:January 07, 2023
Assignee:Avatar?id=2607&size=14Rayvandy Gabbytian % Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Request for Payment (RFP)
1. To add “reason code” at Navigation “RFP History”
a. Add reason code in RFP history enquiry
b. Check the reason code from 2 different response code Reject RFP by System and Reject RFP by Customer to be add in field.
2. To remove the field “Message ID” from Navigation “RFP History” search result
3. To remove the field “Message ID” from Navigation “RFP History” search result detail
4. RFP (add Download PDF Excel CSV)

Biller Management
1. Biller Enquiry (add Download csv)
2. To add a text box format with an auto-complete feature in the city code field on the Add Biller (Registration Biller) menu.
4. The city code can refer to the city code used as a reference in the Hub.

City configuration will be saved offline in Portal.

4. To enable Navigation “Pending Biller” that currently only for HOST to be display to Participant.
5. To add checking in the system to base on the from and to participant itself.
6. Create new batch job for SLA status
7. Add new column to save the SLA
8. Add SLA status column in pending biller

9. Update flow for biller add, edit, dan terminate.
10. To remove the “Pending Biller” flow from current

11. Update the biller search result to show all the biller available.
12. Add checking on the "action" if the biller participant = login participant to enable edit and delete. If not only display
13. Add checking based on the participant to only show detail from the list to display if the participant not biller participant

Mandate Management
1. Mandate enquiry (add Download PDF Excel CSV)
2. To only allow the date pop out start date select + SLA date. Call HUB API to get the SLA. Confirmed with BI: User require the SLA to be integrated with hub SLA. can be API call or have portal maintain own SLA, but can be updated with hub SLA. (Mandate Registration and Mandate Edit)
a. Portal need to create new request,response and Service to new HUB API.
b. To update the date picker the response from the API
c. Add validation to check on the selected date
d. Add new service "Mandate Registration" under SLA Management (Relate to Mandate Start Date)

SLA configuration will be saved offline in Portal and HUB. (Mandate Edit)
3. To disable the column from 4 columns:
a. Debtor Account Number
b. Debtor Account Name
c. Debtor Account
d. Debtor ID

4. To enable the initiate participant to check the status on the “Mandate Approval” (Currently only the approval able to see the status. Need to let the initiator also able to see the Mandate Approval Status)

5. Add Column “Reason Code” at “Mandate Enquiry” & “Mandate Report”
Report: Mandate detail report (Cron Job), mandate enquiry (On fly)

Real time Bulk Credit Transaction
There is a need for additional service types to accommodate Bulk CT and Bulk
CT with Proxy
Update on Service type on HUB side. Portal needs to update service type for Report Batch job
1 -> BulkCreditReportDetails
2 -> BulkCreditReceive
3. -> BulkCreditSend
4. -> BulkCreditReject
5. -> AccountReport
6. -> MonthlyAccountParticipantReport
7. -> MemberStatement
8. -> ConsolidatedMemberStatement
9. -> DailyTransactionReport
10. -> BulkCreditRecapitulation


#1 Avatar?id=11132&size=24 Updated by Nai Cheng Yeat over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Closed - End of life cycle
  • Assignee changed from Nai Cheng Yeat to Rayvandy Gabbytian
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Done development in Feb 2023. Already merge to phase 2 and deployed in UAT.

Also available in: Atom PDF