Task #1434


Integration tests for VASCO token mockup

Added by Ahmadi Hadi over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Development / Work In ProgressStart date:April 03, 2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Rad Faeze% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Using 1497524840 as token serial no and test-user-0 as user alias, create a TestCase in SoapUI which tests the following web service operations (The sequence is important):
  1. wsAssignTokenToUser
  2. wsGenerateTACwithSessionID (user the token serial no as session ID)
  3. wsVerifyToken
  4. wsDisableToken
  5. wsVerifyToken
  6. wsEnableToken
  7. wsVerifyToken
  8. wsUnassignTokenFromUser
  9. wsVerifyToken

Note that the second operation is using TAC, instead of token! Since in automated integration tests we cannot wait for the actual user to generate the token and then key it into the application, we have to emulate it (MockUp). This way at least we can test other parts of the code which deal with token assignment and verification, as well as database queries.
In the current MockUp implementation, we're using TAC engine for the purpose of this emulation. So TAC replaces token, and Session ID does that for serial no.


#1 Updated by Rad Faeze over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress

#2 Updated by Rad Faeze over 12 years ago

Ahmadi Hadi wrote:

Using 1497524840 as token serial no and test-user-0 as user alias, create a TestCase in SoapUI which tests the following web service operations (The sequence is important):
  1. wsAssignTokenToUser
  2. wsGenerateTACwithSessionID (use the token serial no as session ID)
  3. wsVerifyToken
  4. wsDisableToken
  5. wsVerifyToken
  6. wsEnableToken
  7. wsVerifyToken
  8. wsUnassignTokenFromUser
  9. wsVerifyToken

Note that the second operation is using TAC, instead of token! Since in automated integration tests we cannot wait for the actual user to generate the token and then key it into the application, we have to emulate it (MockUp). This way at least we can test other parts of the code which deal with token assignment and verification, as well as database queries.
In the current MockUp implementation, we're using TAC engine for the purpose of this emulation. So TAC replaces token, and Session ID does that for serial no.

+ negative test

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