Bug #1447

IBAM BUG - Company Enquiry

Added by Hafizudin MD over 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:April 17, 2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Hafizudin MD% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Company Enquiry

- cannot seach by keyword we entered

Create Company
Register Company
- got error page - enter "123" to Common Id No.:

Company Detail
- Company Detail button is not selected when click hyperlink from enquiry page

Company Detail - edit
- success page - don't have button to details page & need to fix page display
- Company Fax No is not updated
- after successfull . click on Company Detail button. the details page is not update.. only update after click from hyperlink(enquiry page)
- Company Tel. No should be numeric
- Company Fax No should be numeric
- Payroll cannot be updated
- Direct Credit cannot be updated
- Direct Debit cannot be updated
- General Bulk Payment cannot be updated
note : i dont know what type of validation of Payroll , Direct Credit, Direct Debit, General Bulk Payment

Contact Person - edit
- get error page when click comfirm button without change the field value.. (Bank of China)
- no validation for Name
- no validation for Tel. No.
- no validation for Mobile No
- no validation for Email

Account Management
- no other action(edit, add ,,,,,,,)

User Maintenance details
- need to change page layout to same as others page

Secure Pass Management
- logout when click hyperlink to go details page
- no validation when create or maybe no error message

Edit Secure Pass Confirmation
- Edit Secure Pass Confirmation - need space above & bellow of page
- Edit Secure Pass Confirmation - should change display

Approval Matrix
- how to update this page.. no edit or update button

- need to change page display

Charges - edit
- get error page when click confirm page without change anything(Example Company) - maybe because not select anything


#1 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 12 years ago

  • Project changed from LHB IBAM Development to LHB IBAM SIT

#2 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Ngoh Chee Ping to Hafizudin MD
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80

Company Enquiry

- search is not seach by keyword we entered - fix

Company Detail
- Company Detail button is not selected when click hyperlink from enquiry page - fix

Company Detail - edit
- success page - don't have button to details page & need to fix page display - fix
- Company Fax No is not updated - fix
- after successfull . click on Company Detail button. the details page is not update.. only update after click from hyperlink(enquiry page) - fix
- Company Tel. No should be numeric - fix
- Company Fax No should be numeric - fix

Contact Person - edit
- get error page when click comfirm button without change the field value.. (Bank of China) - fix
- no validation for Tel. No. - fix
- no validation for Mobile No - fix
- no validation for Email fix

Account Management - not a bug
- no other action(edit, add ,,,,,,,)

User Maintenance details
- need to change page layout to same as others page

new bug
User Maintenance - create
- error message for user id is wrong

User Maintenance - edit
- error message for user id is wrong
- button have lot of space

- result page of all User Maintenance need change interface & message

Secure Pass Management
- logout when click hyperlink to go details page - do we have details page.. i don't see inside brs
- no validation when create or maybe no error message

Edit Secure Pass Confirmation
- Edit Secure Pass Confirmation - need space above & bellow of page
- Edit Secure Pass Confirmation - should change display

-------------- not bug
Approval Matrix
- how to update this page.. no edit or update button

------------ fix
- need to change page display

Charges - edit
- get error page when click confirm page without change anything(Example Company) - maybe because not select anything

#3 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 12 years ago

bug need ti fix

Create Company
Register Company
- got error page - enter "123" to Common Id No.:
- still cannot test Register Company fully.. Common Id No is needed

Company Detail - edit
- where this data come from.. Payroll , Direct Credit, Direct Debit, General Bulk Payment .. cannot update if we don't orgin of data

- need - validation of Payroll , Direct Credit, Direct Debit, General Bulk Payment

#4 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 12 years ago

fixed bug.

Register Company
- got error page - enter "123" to Common Id No.: - no bug

Company Detail - edit
- where this data come from.. Payroll , Direct Credit, Direct Debit, General Bulk Payment .. cannot update if we don't orgin of data fix by liza

new bug..

new bug..
- new register company that have don't have company name.. search all.. that view as have company name.. but when see details or edit .. still don't have company name

#5 Updated by Hafizudin MD over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle


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