Task #412


Changing of GlassFish App server to Tomcat 6 App server

Added by Ahmad Hazri about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:August 18, 2010
Priority:NormalDue date:August 18, 2010
Assignee:Avatar?id=1733&size=14Ahmad Hazri % Done:


Category:-Estimated time:2.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:2.00 hours


Reason: for ease of maintenance and updating the Penril's website contains.


#1 Avatar?id=1733&size=24 Updated by Ahmad Hazri about 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100


IP: (penril.net)
OS level user = ateh (I will send the password via email)

Tomcat full version = 6.0.29
Tomcat Home = /opt/tomcat6029
Project Deployment directory = /opt/tomcat6029/webapps/ROOT
JDK version = 1.6 up 15

Start/Stop Tomcat

Tool: Putty

cd /opt/tomcat6029/bin
./startup.sh (to start)
./shutdown.sh (to stop)

How to deploy/update your project

Tool: WinSCP (recommended or any ftp client you familiar with)

All Penril's website files are deployed into /opt/tomcat6029/webapps/ROOT
  1. To update file, just put updated file into this folder to override.
  2. To update whole project rename the ROOT folder to other name for example ROOT.<today_date> and the new project folder to ROOT.
  3. Normally, there is need no restart for Tomcat but if nothing changes, restart is necessary.

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