Bug #4252


Added by Hosseiny Elham over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:March 25, 2014
Priority:NormalDue date:April 03, 2014
Assignee:Hosseiny Elham% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


1. When performing search with following criteria:
- Search type: GLOBAL
System doesn't return any notification that "data is not found". The screen remains. So this could raise a question from the user whether or not the search request is executed properly by system
2. When performing search, by default system set search type to GLOBAL. When user select/click PROVIDER system doesn't automatically load PROVIDER criteria. User needs to click Search button first in order for the screen to automatically load the PROVIDER criteria.
3. When performing search, system generates following in the search result:
token serial no, batch no, user id, username, corp id, assign status, provider, date assigned

But when user click the Token ID hyperlink to view details system only show following:
user id, username, corp id, assign status, provider, date assigned

Does it designed this way where the Token details contains lesser information compared to what is shown in the main search result screen?

4. The downloaded file (PDF) for token management show date in following format Tue Mar 11 15:01:13 WIT 2014. Is it possible to standardize with other format used in RCAS dd/mm/yyyy followed by time format. What is "WIT" means?


#1 Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Pending Customer Feedback

waiting for user to confirm on the changes
pls follow up in HPQC for confirmation the issue

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Hartanto Boby to Hosseiny Elham

#3 Updated by Hosseiny Elham over 10 years ago

1. Will add error message when result is 0
2. Do you mean the provider criteria? If yes, you dont need to click on search button first, it will automatically come out
3. Yes
4. Will change pdf time format follow the screen time format. WIT is Indonesian time format (Waktu Indonesia Timur). This is based on the server time, not generated by application.

for item 4. to retify the issue of wrongly input as above. currently the screen date/time format and Excel and PDF file format are the same. No changes. If required, it needs to clarify with Global team since it had been used for sometime.

#4 Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Customer Feedback to New - Begin Life Cycle
  • Assignee changed from Hosseiny Elham to Yap Kah Yan

after checked again, pls fix the issue as below:
1. Will add error message when result is 0
2. this issue happen in IE8 and below, pls assist fix it.
4. after discussed with Aja, we will change to the format as dd/mm/yyyy follow by time same as Audit log module.
the screen on Token Listing --> Date Assigned, Excel file, PDF file need to change it.

#5 Updated by Yap Kah Yan over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Yap Kah Yan to Hartanto Boby

#6 Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from March 28, 2014 to April 03, 2014
  • Assignee changed from Hartanto Boby to Yap Kah Yan

Kah Yan, pls assist Boby on this.

#7 Updated by Hosseiny Elham over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Yap Kah Yan to Hartanto Boby

please add the release number .

#8 Updated by Hosseiny Elham over 10 years ago

After retest I found the issue has not been fixed (details as attached).

Just to ensure that we’re on the same page, there are 2 points that we expect to change here
When performing search with no data found in search result, system doesn’t return any error message to notify user that data is not found.
Before fixing the date/time format shown in pdf is dd/mm/yyyy + time + WIT + 2014. Our initial request is to use standardized format (as used in other areas in RCAS dd/mm/yyyy followed by time, without ‘WIT’).
Based on feedback from vendor, system receives this data from server . FYI Indonesia is divided into 3 different timezones: WIB, WITA, WIT. Jakarta is in WIB timezone (RCAS server resides in Jakarta).
So could you please explain how the server returns WIT? Can we just use a standard format?

Please Boby, check Release number, this issue has been tested fine in development environment. Our DB returns list of data for Not assign status. So from our side we are not able to get the error that data is not found.

#9 Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

to rectify it.
For the date format is dd/mm/yyyy + time, was tested ok before however the release 24 may cause the issue
For the no error msg handling when there is status with not assign for token, it did not tested because currently there hv a lot of tokens status is under Not Assign. so not able to test unless all the Not Assign token change to Assign status. then only will know from frontend, it show the error msg handling properly.

#10 Updated by Hosseiny Elham over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • Assignee changed from Hartanto Boby to Hosseiny Elham

This defect has beed closed by customer . and tested fine.

Also available in: Atom PDF