Change #4474


[SCP ID :##2302##] : Sort by date SI List in M2U

Added by Ahmad Hazri over 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:June 19, 2014
Priority:ImmediateDue date:July 16, 2014
Assignee:Alwi Husada% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Please attend user query below:

 sort by date for SI list in M2U


#1 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

  • Due date set to June 24, 2014
  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

- To sort the SI on descending order

- SI details on 2nd page onwards missing.

These item has been deployed to SIT on 24th June 2014.

#2 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from June 24, 2014 to June 26, 2014
  • Assignee changed from Alwi Husada to Rayvandy Gabbytian

- If customers do not have "linked account", they can't view the SI details.

Root Cause:
- M2U did checking on "Linked From Account"

- Ignore the "Linked From Account" validation.

These items has been deployed on 26th June 2014.

#3 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

New request:
- To pass customer's email upon sending registration to SI engine.

As per requested by Pak Sukarno on April 11th, 2014 meeting,
As per wsdl given by Pak Yan Kim on June 25th, 2014: Customer Email is put in the channel header,
Wsdl has been updated to development by Pak Rudhi on June 26th, 2014.

These items have been deployed to SIT on 26th June 2014.

#4 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from June 26, 2014 to July 03, 2014


Pak Wahyu wrote:

Mohon berikan perhitungan untuk kursnya karena bila kita hitung manual jadinya akan 133.710,21377
sample trx dari JPY - GBP
amount to transfer 1000 JPY
kurs JPY 105.25
kurs GBP : 14073.00
convert GBP ke IDR : 1000 * 14073 = 14073000
convert dari IDR ke JPY : 14073000 / 105.25 = 133710.21377

Root Cause:

Gabby wrote:

Mohon penjelasan saya sebelumnya di ignore, karena ada ralat dari aplikasi m2u.
Dimana saat konversi dari local amount (IDR) ke debited amount (JPY), di mana:

Formula Sebelum:
debitAmount = local amount * (TT Sell / TT Buy)
debitAmount = 14073000 * (1/105.25)
debitAmount = 14073000 * 0.00950118764846
debitAmount = 14073000 * 0.00950119 (pembulatan ke atas, 8 digit di belakang koma)
debitAmount = 133710.24687
debitAmount = 133710.25 (pembulatan ke atas, 2 digit di belakang koma)

Formula yang baru:
debitAmount = local amount * (TT Sell / TT Buy)
debitAmount = 14073000 * (1/105.25)
debitAmount = 14073000 * 0.00950118764846
debitAmount = 14073000 * 0.009501187648460000000……. (pembulatan ke atas, 256 digit di belakang koma)
debitAmount = 133710.21377677758
debitAmount = 133710.21 (pembulatan ke atas, 2 digit di belakang koma)

These items have been deployed to SIT on 3rd July 2014

#5 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from July 03, 2014 to July 16, 2014
  • % Done changed from 100 to 0

New request on 7th July 2014:

Pak Ferry wrote:

Dear Wahyu dan Gabby,
Agar dilakukan perubahan informasi moneter untuk transaksi cross currency, yaitu :
1. Jumlah yang akan di transfer, biaya dan kurs agar di kosongkan
2. Label Success diganti dengan :
a. Diterima (Kurs/Biaya akan disesuaikan dengan tanggal transaksi di proses)
b. Accepted (Rate/Charges when transaction processed will be used )

Terima kasih

Ferry Adrian

#6 Avatar?id=2607&size=24 Updated by Rayvandy Gabbytian about 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Rayvandy Gabbytian to Alwi Husada
  • Priority changed from Normal to Immediate


Need your help to set clientUserId of SI Channel Header with M2U user# upon SI registration. This is required in order to check the SI History by tomorrow. Pak Yankim will be onsite on Thursday morning to assist us & IT team for SI History.


#7 Updated by Alwi Husada about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Work Completed-End life cycle
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Deployed to Production on 2/9/2014.

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