Task #4788

Prebind Token by Count

Added by Anonymous almost 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Status:Closed - End of life cycleStart date:June 07, 2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-

Positive Test for Task #4445.docx (15.9 KB) Yap Kah Yan, July 09, 2014 08:34

Related issues

Copied from Maybank - R2 - Development - Task #4574: R2 - Prebind Token by Count Rejected - End of life cycle June 07, 2014


#1 Updated by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

26 Nov: we have completed development and branch out also. pending Bank to confirm the delivery and provide the quotation. seem the implementation is on Aug 2014 due to eBwork not able to cater at this moment.

#2 Updated by Tan Lee Yong over 9 years ago

R2 already went live, is this item still on?

#3 Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from R2 - Prebind Token by Count to Prebind Token by Count

enhancement requested during R2 but due to eBwork can not delivery in R2 and requested to implement it in future.

#4 Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

quotation prepared before and has been cancelled. need to prepare new quotation and SOW but not sure the timeline, so did not prepare the new quotation and SOW.

#5 Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

RCAS FSD R1 ver 1.3 already sign off for this item.

#6 Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Review to Closed - End of life cycle

already deployed in production

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