Task #532

AirAsia Exam System Table Design

Added by Tan Lee Yong almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Status:Work Completed-End life cycleStart date:October 12, 2010
Priority:NormalDue date:October 13, 2010
Assignee:Ngoh Chee Ping% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:15.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:15.00 hours


To do table design for a exam system.
1) Can handle main category and multiple layer of subcategories for question segregation
2) Can handle true/false, multiple choice, subjective, extended matching, etc
3) To generate exam paper based on preset random selection of questions
4) Every question must have correct answer for marking purpose
5) Must support user to do online exam
6) The same system can also be used for survey questionnaires usage

New_E_Exam_table_structure.jpg (221 KB) Ngoh Chee Ping, October 12, 2010 18:09

New_E_Exam_table_structure_v1.1.jpg (263 KB) Ngoh Chee Ping, October 13, 2010 17:42

Air_Asia_E_Exam_Project.vpp (71 KB) Tan Lee Yong, October 14, 2010 15:22

E_Exam_Database_Structure_image.jpg (90.9 KB) Ngoh Chee Ping, October 15, 2010 10:33

E_Exam_Database_Structure_image_v1.0.jpg (91 KB) Ngoh Chee Ping, October 21, 2010 15:29


#1 Updated by Ngoh Chee Ping almost 14 years ago

  • File New_E_Exam_table_structure.jpg added
  • Status changed from New - Begin Life Cycle to Development / Work In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 60
  • Estimated time set to 15.00

The requirement can handle multiple layer of subcategories already settle. I added one column in CATEGORY_TABLE, the is SUPER, this is to store the subcategories is belong to which category. By using this i can store how many category also can. We also can get the subcategory easy. For now, almost all requirement already cover except used for survey questionnaires usage. For this still do not know how to design it.

#2 Updated by Ngoh Chee Ping almost 14 years ago

The design for survey also include inside. I also edited the part of create paper and set questions for the paper, and store user answer.

#3 Updated by Tan Lee Yong almost 14 years ago

A Category can have multiple sub-categories
A Category can have many questions
A question belong to a question type
Each question type has its own format
A question can have one or more answer (cater for the question in check box format)

A User can have multiple Paper (can be exam or survey)
A Paper can belong to multiple User
A Paper can have many Questions
A Question can belong to multiple Paper
Each Question has one or more Answer from a User
A User can provide one or more Answer for a Question

#4 Updated by Tan Lee Yong almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Development / Work In Progress to Pending Customer Feedback
  • % Done changed from 100 to 90

#6 Updated by Ngoh Chee Ping almost 14 years ago

got one question, why A User can provide one or more Answer for a Question? If for multiple choice, user choice all answer then, that student also will correct?

#7 Updated by Ngoh Chee Ping almost 14 years ago

The design is finished after discuss.

#8 Updated by Tan Lee Yong almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Customer Feedback to Work Completed-End life cycle

#9 Updated by Ngoh Chee Ping almost 14 years ago

new table design

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